How to arrange a person

How to arrange a person

Almost every one of us was attended how to arrange a person to themselves. We strive to like a new acquaintance, we wish to make friends without any problems and simply successfully support the dialogues, whether it is a business conversation or friendly communication. Sometimes I want to attract a person who is sympathetic to us. Let's figure out in the mechanisms of interpersonal relationships and bring those rules that will help not be confused and adequately support the conversation.

First of all, evaluate your appearance. The "set" of the appearance includes your clothes, the posture, faulty, look. Dress down the situation accordingly. That is, a bright, causing an outfit on a business meeting is unlikely to cause good judgments about you from colleagues or customers. Regardless of the circumstances, clothing, of course, should be neat and clean. Pose withstand relaxed. The same should be a look: I am interested in concerned, I am confident and understand. Do not drill the interlocutor with a look and do not run through my eyes. There is a good exercise to train the right look. With visual contact mentally thank or praise a person.

Relevant smile will play in your favor. Show that you are open to communication, encourage the interlocutor with a smile. Do not smile forced or tight. Let it be a sincere gesture showing that you are glad to keep a dialogue with a person. In any communication, only a plus will be a timely joke. It is not necessary to show themselves incorrigible comedian, just be guided by the situation. Suitable joke immediately relieve any tension that arose during intercourse, brought together participants in the call, and will cause sympathy for the person possessing sense of humor.

Be a sympathetic listener. It is easy to feel affection to someone who seriously interested in your business, ask clarifying questions, insert comments. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, but at the same time actively react to what has been said. Show the person that you are interested in what he tells you.

Praise, or even admire the successes and victories. If your new acquaintance is a girl, then compliments will be appropriate about its outfit or appearance. If you enter into a conversation with a man, then notice when it shares with you my achievements. Be sure to check this moment and praise a person. Early his resourcefulness, persistence, enterprise, foresight, the ability to conduct business - in a word, any positive qualities. Try not to overdo it, as well as avoid hypocrisy in your words. If your complimentation sounds lying or frankly, it can only create an invisible barrier between you and the interlocutor.

Find interesting topics for conversation, do not silent and do not tighten the pause. Try to stick to the interlocutor of those interested. You can remember cases from your life, which at least indirectly overlap with his profession or hobbies. Having felt in my element, a person will relax and starts to experience the location.

Do not forget about such a simple but necessary thing as the elementary rules of courtesy. Skip the interlocutor ahead in the doorway, when entering the elevator, hold the door to him, thank it for the advice, say hello and say goodbye, wish success. Pupil and respectful people acquire attractiveness in the eyes of others, regardless of their appearance.

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation and listen. Train smile, look, pose. Get rid of shyness and grip during communication. And the conversation with any interlocutor will take place for you at ease and effectively.

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