What does love person mean

What does love person mean

It is not immediately clear why so often you think about some kind of man, why you worry about him, why you see him or her in a dream, why you miss and what a feeling of ticking somewhere in the chest is probably love. Love is an abstract substance that refers to sensual manifestations of a person and practically does not give in any explanations. This is the strongest, the most unexpected and most desperate human feeling that moves on the crazy deeds, surprises and a huge number of victims for the sake of a loved one.

Like many other human feelings, love has no logical definitions, and even after millions of years, the existence of this feeling, none of the greatest philosophers and thinkers could describe the symptoms of this feeling. Love a person means not only to be emotionally attached, but also to feel the need for physical satisfaction from being near. The causal relationship, when the feelings suddenly arise to a certain person, no, there may not be, because this is one of the many feelings that as they say "happens in heaven."

The first steps towards this strong feeling pass with a less strong feeling - love. During this period, a person in love begins to feel new feelings towards who in love. An attachment appears, the thirst for communication, a reverent look, tenderness and desire to create a miracle. The change of love comes a stronger feeling - love. It is this feeling that allows you to see the usual things in a completely different light, and it is not necessary to be afraid, although most often it is impossible to understand why you love this person and is ready for this feeling on completely unusual actions for yourself.

Love is a multifaceted feeling, and "love a person" from different people has a different meaning, and more precisely, each person in this concept invests different feelings. Someone loves - it means to respect, pampering, keeping hands, gently talking, but at the same time, another person means a passion, the desire to be around the clock nearby, to control, not to give anyone and choke alone. But whatever strong feelings experienced in love, feel such an unearthly feeling is not given to everyone, and if it really visits a person, then this is a great luck that needs to appreciate and enjoy every moment.

The biggest test for love is the time and distance. The strongest feelings of lovers are experiencing in the first months of communication, they are trying to satisfy each other, and relationships develop with incredible speed. At this time, lovers are as if in the bubble, away from the whole world, and they really like it unconditionally. Next, the lovers are slowly returned to the measured channel and try to change their former life, finding a place for new feelings. During this period, a bright fire, flaming the first few months, begins to serve, and then checks time for love when it acquires a more resistant look. And even if a few years later, the feeling of love does not leave once lovers of people and they are still in their improvised bubble, it means that their fates crossed not in vain. Next to love, such feelings are added as respect, understanding, patience, care, attention, physical proximity and many of those that help this feeling do not fade for many years.

Love is the plexus of emotional and physical attraction. Love is one of the few feelings that change over time and gets different sensory faces and opportunities. It is so unexplored and inexplicable that sometimes even contradictory, because even such a feeling, like hatred, very often gives rise to love and vice versa. Love a person - it means to love everything in it, no matter what, and contrary to everything, continuing to live in your own "bubble".

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Ksuscha. 07/09/2018 at 22:05.

We know what love is. This feeling was able to reveal in us the most beautiful that God laid in us. I am experiencing real love, you will learn a new one that did not know before. In any case, true love can never make a person worse than he was.

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Georgy Sergatsky 03/16/2019 at 13:23

"At the heart of the adhesion of the great unifying power of Erosa (D. Scanford). "In the hands of women, the keys to the most exquisite of all pleasure invented by humanity - the pleasure of sex" (L. Tiger). "Women's weapons are she herself" (Talmud), a guarantor of love - an erection, and "Penis is the shortest path between souls4" (S. de Bovwar). "If two people of the opposite sex have enough coincidences, then feelings, sooner or later they will arise" (T. persenko).
Sex love is:
1. Anticipation and collusion between x and n under the influence of genital ferry;
2. Exchange "courtesies" of two crumbles;
4. relief and tenderness.
There are various options for the "beloved" of the above "courtesy": "Sadistko-anal" (Z. Freud), "genital-anal" (V. Bychkov), "Anal-sadistic, anal-vaginal" (V. Rudnev) and anal-clothic as female varieties of excremental. As you can see, no desecration does not happen; There is only "Love love below the belt" (M. Murzin). Favorite () is not just a toilet; She (he) - and in this the essence of sexual love - the object of abuse by anal "good".
Thus, the dark in love is defilement, and the brightness is gratitude for him. This vuality and called love. Where to attribute anticipation - to a bright eros or dark lust - the question to the terminism.
The process is accompanied by shame and is hidden from fear of exposing the true content of such "love". Especially valuable "Spanish", when it is ashamed not only for itself, but for others.
The source of love is thus - itching in the perineum leading to madness, romance, etc., and love itself is gratitude for the possibility of anal-genital desecration, for pleasureing the humiliation of his beloved (-go) the same crotch. The choice of a sexual partner is dictated by lust, that is, imaginary dissonance between his advantages and dirt of the crotch "loving (s)." The stronger itching from the stemmptoxicosis and dissonance (for example, on the one hand, the beauty of the body, someone else's wife, etc., on the other, is an anal-genital square), the stronger "love" (read: sexual appetite, passion, erection ). In general, imagination can "cure" any, with the exception of physiological damage, impotence. Even the partner is not necessary to change.
"Anal, urethral is erotic forms of hatred" (R. column).
"Sex business is dirty, select it for the one who love" (E. Perel).
"Would people have sex if you were taken away from them dreams about humiliation and revenge?" (D. Steid).
"Love is a lotus, lust - dirt from which the lotus grows" (Osho).
"Love is only a wish mask, a lie who the people who cover their own, covering their own lust" (P. Trunkner).
"The marriage is a contract that allows spouses to use the genitals of each other" (I. Kant).
"It is impossible to believe anyone do it without a sense of sin" (V. Rozanov).
"Shame is a sense of the creature of the highest order" (AIDS info).
"Why did I open for being an eye in a contemptible human body" (N. Gumilev. Soul and body).

From the books "Worn in Love, or the experience of trepanation of sin ...".

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