How to return the former girl?

How to return the former girl?

Relationships in a pair can destroy both various external circumstances and lovers themselves. Whatever it was, breaking - not to build, and if the relationship seems to be smoldered by themselves, for their resumption they will have to sweat well. If you broke up with a girl and break their heads over the question of how to return it, - you turned to the address. This article will teach you the main scheme of simple, but effective actions, which in the final result will lead to the revival of mutual love.

Analyze the reasons for your parting. If you were the initiator of the break, it is a difficult case, but everything is fixable. If the initiative proceeded from the girl, it means that there was a good reason. Your task is to understand why she did, think about your previous relationships, your behavior, character, actions lately. In the event of an opponent's intervention, it is necessary to objectively compare your pros and cons and evaluate your chances. The cause of parting is hidden in external circumstances, such as the distance, the difference in the age, the disapproval of parents, etc., - try to solve the problem or collect reliable arguments to persuade your ex.

Let the time passes. In no case do not run after it immediately after its care, do not call 100 times a day, do not fall asleep with SMS messages and colors. Give us time and yourself, and she is completely thought about to decide for himself, whether to continue your communication and in which direction to develop, realize how important you are to each other and sort out your feelings. In the end, give her time to miss.

Change for the better. If your relationship gave a crack, it means that there was a reason, and it is possible that this reason is in you. Review your behavior, character, clothing style, manners, habits. Surely you will find a couple of whom your girlfriend said: "Well, when you already stop ...". Get rid of bad habits, strive for self-improvement. Take yourself in your hands, be patient and confident. Burn with depression and stress, without falling into all the grave (remember your beloved). Do not stop communicating with friends - risk clictering in yourself.

Hold on the distance, but always be aware of the personal life of your beloved. Do not follow her - just ask your common friends to find out how she is experiencing your parting, which thinks about the renewal of relationships, do you have competitors. If you have a good relationship with the parents of the girl, this is another trump card, find out about important events in her life from their mouth.

Go to active actions. With the ability to arrange as if an accidental meeting at neutral territory. You can just smile and say hello to her, this is enough. Or, agree on a meeting for a friendly conversation. Do not be too intrusive. If the conversation is started, do not remember your relationship, be cheerful, full of vital energy and absolutely calm. Let the girl understand that without her your life continues. Do not boast your achievements in improving, do not say that you miss or still love it. Just become close again, but only in a platonic context.

Be a man: surround your favorite attention and care, but only as a friend. Do not shout on the girl and do not insult, even if she is wrong. Conduct a lot of time together, you can remember that hour when you were happy together. Sign in your life again, you can discuss your relationship, but do not hint at their revival, but simply admit your mistakes and apologize for everything bad. The girl herself will start a counteroffent if you do not see her seek her. Tell her about your life, unobtrusively staging about the results of work on your own. It is important during this period not to make any relationship, it is possible only by the way to mention some kind of girl in a conversation to cause a drop of jealousy.

When you feel that you are close to your goal, admit finally in your intentions. Conduct a surprise, pleasantly surprise your loved one, think your speech, prepare a secluded place where no one hurts you. Make everything beautiful and romantic so that the girl can not refuse you. Be sure to the girl in the fact that you love her that you have changed for it and no longer break such firewood. But do not persuade, better let the lover still think time.

Most likely, you have already been reconciled with your beloved. Otherwise, you can try the extreme method, consonted with the saying: "The smaller the woman we love, the more we like her." The option is risky, since not every girl will perceive this in your favor, but if there are no more other ways, nothing more risks. Get yourself another girl. Yes, yes, you do not love her and should not tell her such or promise something. It is important for you to call jealousy in your beloved, so that she understands what guy she lost.

After some time, it starts to work in the truth, the main thing is not to overdo it. Do not expect that the girl will immediately fall to your feet and will beg for reconciliation - take a look at changes in her behavior, look, attitude to your meetings, again ask common friends. In an extreme case, if it does not help, look at that other girl - maybe it is her fate.

Return a former girl is not so simple, it will take a lot of time and strength to it, but if you really love her, it is worth it. Observing all the instructions, you will achieve her worship, love, and in new relationship you will be fabulously happy. Try not to repeat old errors and be extremely sincere with each other. Love and be loved!

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