How to return your loved one

How to return your loved one

Every minute around the world, millions of couples decide on parting. Psychologists have proven that in such a situation, one of the partners is experiencing a painful guilt for their own impotence. This behavior is peculiar, rather, a tender part of the globe. Is it possible to save the doomed relationship, "glue a broken cup"? Is there an effective action algorithm for the return of lost happiness? No incurable tasks! Below are several steps towards achieving the goal.

Change and return your loved one

Relationship is not a fairy tale, but a grave work that requires the complete concentration of forces and attention on both sides. Life's everyday life takes time and desire to do yourself. And if the girl's bouquet-candy period is trying to show themselves from the best side, both with external and deeply spiritual, then later the life absorbs gentle creatures entirely, turning them into launched, unclean ladies. Everything else, women are more sensitive and emotional than men. Their explosive character is able to bring even the most patient and calm representative of a strong sex. The best way to return your loved one is to change. And, as it turned out, it is not difficult to do this:

  • No matter how hurts, especially in the first few days after parting, you should try to keep the impulses to call, write, etc. Unless, of course, your fault in the break of relationship is not obvious. The annoying methods are not triggered, brings the result back to all your expectations. Men just pushes it, forces pity for such a girl, but no more. Therefore, under the strictest prohibition of "snotty" posts on the Internet, pleading statuses in social networks, kilometer messages and other humiliating techniques.
  • Helling the assessment of the current situation will help to identify the true cause of separation. At this stage, your relationship should be analyzed in detail, remembering the beginning, and without forgetting to present them in perspective. When, finally, to the question - "why not happened?" - You will have a ready-made answer, exit from an impartial situation "Masters on the horizon". You can even begin to keep a diary or prepare notes in which the conflict will not be simply displayed, but all your thoughts, feelings. Thus, you get rid of disturbing painful sensations.
  • The compilation of the schedule will help to carve an hour or another for yourself. This time should be devoted to fitness, makeup, cosmetologist, campaign for new things. In general, everything that makes women true ladies.
  • Sport classes contribute to the production of hormone happiness - serotonin. And thoughts dispel, and extra kilograms will leave.
  • "Pink glasses" go each lady. The main thing is to be able to shoot them on time. A positive look at things is that the doctor prescribed for all abandoned and abandoned. As they say, "the world of light will become a smile," but the reason for this very smile can be found in anywhere!

Action Plan to return a loved one

And so, you are such a strong, confident, a loose personality, completely different, not the one who once knew the former partner, after all, decide to return the beloved. Now it will do it much easier.

  • To begin with, it is important to make communication with the ex-partner, or try not to lose it, retaining, at least at the minimum level. Conversations can be devoted to topics distracted from personal life. For example, talk about books, hobbies, upcoming events planned plans - will not bring negative consequences, but only build a couple of general evenings.
  • It is necessary to exercise sincere interest in the ex-boyfriend. Questions about his studies / work / family affairs will only show how interested you are interested in the partner.
    Do not forget to talk about yourself, a new interest, about all personal successes and victories.
  • But the morals and condemns should be refused. The best weapon in the struggle for a beloved man - flattery and praise.
  • In the end, invite him to visit home dinner, as in the old days. In an intimate setting, you can figure out the relationship, putting all the points over "I". However, you need to try not to turn the conversation for souls in the next scandal.

If your beloved does not want to go back ...

There are situations where the "second half" decided to break the relationship completely and irrevocable. In such situations, the exit one, banal and simple - let go, to accept, learn to live without a loved one. And no matter how difficult is this path, the main thing is not to forget that ahead is a long bright future, which, although she was "fogany", but will certainly become happy. And try to return a person who does not want to share with you sorrows and joy - a bad idea.

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