How to find out the past

How to find out the past

Suppose you have recently started meeting with a young man / girl, but unfortunately you don't know anything about his / her past life (or you know, but very, very little). To be concerned about how degenerate and the satellite is also honest - normally, in the first stages of dating it will be unknown, as a partner in relations with another person behaved. To find out the past of a person, at least you will need: self-confidence, curiosity, as well as observation.

Ask him about the past

Of course, to ask a person directly about his past seems to be the easiest option, but only few people want to talk about everything that has happened to an unfamiliar person, especially if in the past it happened not the best situations. In any case, try to ask the partner about his past, and at the same time watch carefully, if he does not lead a look, does not be nervous. If there are signs of anxiety, this suggests that or a person does not like the raised topic, or he is trying to come up with something and sit.

You can conduct such dialogs only when you are familiar with a person at least a little time, but he trusts you already. In the opposite case, you risk not only nothing to get from him, but also worsen the situation (a person just closes you).

Ask friends, acquaintances, relatives about the past man

In order not to seem obsessive, ask questions about the past partner at the approximate people as if you were going to make him a surprise. The person can also have a page in social. Networks where you can see where he was, who met where he worked. In the same way, you can promote his friends - it creates a general impression of them, because saying "Tell me who your friends, and I will say who you" often meet reality.

Ask indirect questions to a person to find out his past

If the first two options did not work, then try asking indirect questions by type: "How do you know that? Have you been / Was already here? Who were you then, not a secret? ". Ask questions best when a person is relaxed and located to the questions; As practice shows, ask similar questions is better after the evening spent or a pleasantly spent conversation.

Watch the behavior to learn about the past

In a person, you can very often see the echoes of the past. For example, he can avoid communicating with some people, or with one person (perhaps his former girl who is trying to impose). It may say that they had previously had some conflict. Sometimes people can avoid talking about certain things, places or events that certainly talks about negative experience.

Summing up, ask yourself: whether you need to know such details at all, because the knowledge of the past may not always be on your hand, especially if you are fine with this person. The past always remains the past (if his echoes are not critical, everything is in order), but the main thing is what is happening here and now.

Fortune telling on the maps to find out the past of man

If you believe fortune telling, buy a deck on 36 cards, pull it out, think about your partner and decide which cards will symbolize it.

Remove the deck with your left hand, pull out three cards from it in search of a "partner card". When you find it, set aside, because it will be the center of fortune telling. Fold the rest of the deck together, drag and decompose on two stacks. From the stack with which you started layout, take two cards, and do not look what kind of suit they are. Put the crap up one of them, and put the other for this card, too, the crap up (the first of them indicates that it will be waiting for a person in the future, and the second is your fate with him).

The remaining cards again drag and proceed to the layout. Now pull out from the stack on the map, turn it out and put it, alternating in this way: on top from the central card, on the right and left, from the bottom from the "partner card". Maps that will lie on the left and right from the figure of your partner is his reality, in the head - perspective, in the legs - the past. Card values \u200b\u200bcan be viewed here.

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