How to find out how many marriage will be

How to find out how many marriage will be

There was a long-time divination by hand gave women answers to many questions. This tradition has been preserved to this day. The most exciting topic is marriage. Each girl wants to know sooner or later: is it destined to get married and how many marriages she will have.

Hiromantia - science studying lines on the palms. A simple person is difficult to interpret what he can see in his hands, so usually the Council turns to experienced professionals - fortunekam. Lines can tell a lot about a person, including the most important and secret information.


What does this line mean? Higher forces have long decided for us our fate and the number of lines on the hand will be able to tell us how many partners in life are given to us. Focusing on this data, you can draw conclusions about your relationship and build the future. In addition, you can interpret destiny on palms, it is also necessary to strive for marriage. After all, the task of the lines does not solve our actions, but only to push them and help achieve a prosperous outcome.

Where is the line of marriage on hand?

Among all the lines existing on the palm, you should find the right one. It is possible to find it without special books yourself. Lines, like roads, completely different: smooth, curves, broken, winding. It is completely normal and natural. To find a line of marriage, you first need to find one of the most catchy - the heart line.

The location of this line may well familiar with each girl: it begins under the little finger and leads to the gap of medium and index fingers. This line is large and noticeable, well stands out on the palm. It is about 2 cm below the fingers.

The line of marriage is literally over the heart line under the little finger. Sometimes the line is clearly expressed, sometimes it is very thin and imperceptible. In any case, it must be smooth. The number of such lines is not limited and there can be a lot.

Interpretation of one marriage line on hand

You can find out the number of marriages in fate simply by counting the line. Of course, in the perfect understanding of every woman, it's good if one clear and deep line of marriage is depicted on your hand without any branchings. Such a line indicates that a person has one strong love and marriage for life. The line is capable of telling only about the strongest and sincere feelings.

In time, noticing this feature, people carefully approach the selection of a partner for their lives and are alolyubs until the end of their days. To pay attention to the hands of a loved one - stands, because if you notice two or more lines, it may mean about the briefness of your marriage. As a rule, men with two or three deep lines marry the second and third time.

In any case, the line is not a sentence. A very much solves the human factor himself and if someone from the spouses wants to preserve his relationship, he stealingly ignores all the opportunities to gain new in life happiness.

Interpretation of several marriage lines on hand

How to interpret a few lines in the hand in detail? Such a feature suggests that a person in life is destined to have several partners. It may be full-fledged registered marriages, and there may be simple civil marriages or very strong relationships.

It is safe to say that each of the lines indicates a strong emotional attachment to a person. In any case, only deep lines on hand talk about strong and long marriage. Weak lines are narrated by sensual, but not solving relationships that could not be resolved by marriage.

It is possible that in his hand, a person will have many low-rise thin lines until he is to determine in life. Only after that there may be changes on the hand and shake deep lines. But two wide lines going side by side on hand or branch, they only say that a person is bored in marriage and he has a lover (mistress).

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