How to find out the name of the narrowed

How to find out the name of the narrowed

"Narrowing-disguised, come to me dressed up" - that is how our great-grandmother whispered, wondering at the grooms in the Christmas week. Times have changed. But modern women, in spite of a successful career, financial independence and ostentatious indifference to the male sex, too, waiting for Christmas to povorozhit on her spouse. Moreover, they want to know the name of the intended spouse and destiny.

Guessing can be on any given day, but Christmas time - the most favorable time of the year for love divination, predictions, omens.

How do you know the name of her spouse on coffee grounds

Carry out the ritual at any odd number of months. On the table, put a lighted candle and a deep saucer. Brewed pour ground coffee into a cup to half. Drink small sips a drink to coffee grounds. Then tip the cup on the saucer, and a minute lift it. In a divorce, you will see the letters, comparing them, read the name of her spouse.


How do you know the name of her spouse for bulbs

Onions sign male names. Put them in a jar of water or in the ground. Which bulb will sprout sooner - in the name of order and wait for a marriage proposal.

How do you know the name of her spouse on wax

This divination may be performed in any night, after midnight. Pour the water in a shallow dish. Light the candle, tilt it over the vessel, saying: "narrowing my come, declare his own name." Wait until the liquid drop five drops of melted wax. Now look closely for signs of frozen wax, among them will be the first letter of the name of your future husband.


How do you know the name of her spouse on porcelain plate

Guessing on a porcelain plate - ancient grave act, as in this process evokes the spirit of a deceased person, usually a close relative. Carried out by several people. Draw for the purpose of her friends, who believe in miracles and want to know the name of her fiance.

You will need Watman Sheet, Feltuster, New Dessert Plate. Write on paper in a circle the letters of the alphabet. In the center put the inverted top to the bottom of the plate, mark the arrow on it. Put your fingers on the edges of the plates and, causing the Spirit, ask a question. The plate will start riding from the letter to the letter, remember them, folding words. Having finished the fortune telling, thank the Spirit for the assistance rendered.


How to find out the name narrowed on a mirror corridor

The fortune telling is not for the faint of heart, but helps to learn the name of the spouse 100%. If they decided to spend the ritual, make it in the smallest room of the apartment.

  • Install on the table two mirrors face each other. One big, you will look at it, another smaller invalid to yourself. Looking into the facial mirror, you distinguish and reflection of the little. Putting two lit candles on the sides of the mirrors, you will get a mirror corridor - a window in the otherworldly world.
  • Put a white towel on the table, break the hair, remove the native cross, gold jewelry.
  • At 12 o'clock in the morning, sit in front of the mirror and tell me: "My squeezed, my name is told." See without breaking into a mirror corridor. Soon the candle will shine, its flame will jump, the breeze runs up and a unclear silhouette of a man will appear from the mirror depth. The figure will approach and the face of your narrowed will affect the large mirror. Do not be afraid, ask his name. After all, this is what you wanted to know. The answer will be the inscription on a sudden mirror that has fallen.
  • Quickly sketch on the mirror towel. If this is not done, the Spirit can scare you much: grab by the hand and try to drag behind yourself. Old people tell that the girls who did not close the otherworldly corridor in the morning, were found in fearlessness with traces of slate on her face.
  • After the rite, move, cross and go to bed. If the fortune telling is true, in a dream you will again meet with the narrowed and you can talk to it without damage to health. Mirror

Believe or not in prediction, your business. But these rituals are checked by centuries and be false, it would hardly have come to us. Go to the fortune study seriously, as well as our ancestors, and then you will probably look into our future.

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