How to choose a name for a girl

How to choose a name for a girl

Many expectant parents are still at the stage of planning a baby think about its name. And when a child is born, that without him it is simply not enough. Name can affect the personal qualities of a person, his character, and to some extent even fate.

Choosing a name for a girl, no less important is its beauty and melody, and harmony with the name and patronymic. And, of course, not too lazy to learn the meaning of the name.

Choosing a name for a girl: a classic or exotic

For some parents is one of the main criteria in choosing a name - "to not like at all." And there baby with old or exotic names, unusual for this country. On the one hand, the desired goal is achieved - a child is unlikely to go unnoticed. But it remains unclear whether this choice of ridicule against girls? Of course, attracted the attention of Abhaya, Afra, Lana, Dhira, Qaeda, Moana, Prema or Parliament, but whether your daughter is happy when a little older? Furthermore, a foreign name not always matched with the Slavic patronymic. If desired, choose a not too common name, you can pay attention to the old Slavonic names, such as Fun, Aksinya, Vasilisa, Yaroslav, Praskovya, Barbara.

Choosing a name for a girl: the church calendar

Few for whom the secret of that almost every day of the year is under the patronage of a saint or the saint. By choosing the name of his daughter according to the church calendar, you give her a patron who will protect, guide and assist in their lifetime. If you close these thoughts, and the day my daughter was born there in the calendar, or the saints only male, you can choose a name among those whom they worship since the 8th and 40th day after the baby's birth.

Choosing a name for a girl: horoscope

As is known, the stars play an important role in the destiny of man as well as his temperament and abilities. If the girl is already born, you can be trusted to choose a name sign. All signs of the zodiac as belonging to one or another element are divided into 4 groups - signs of Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus), fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini ). Cool and calm first able to "shake up" the names of the sun Julia, Anna, Alla. Dedication and patience of the representatives of the second group can be supplemented by the softness by the name of Maria, Olga, Anastasia, Tatiana. A little to balance activity and curiosity signs of Fire help Angelina names Svetlana Snezana. A freedom-cool temperament girls group Air can Ekaterina names Eugenia, Paulina, Sofia, Nadezhda.

Choose a name for girls: season

The belief that it is not only the day but also the time of year, in which a girl was born, affects its character and personal qualities came to us from the ancient times. The name is intended to smooth out the "rough edges", or vice versa - to give confidence to make a person more harmonious. So, winter girls - vigorous, purposeful, with hot-tempered. So ladies fit gentle and soft names. Crumb, born in the spring, characterized by uncertainty and vulnerability combined with intelligence and good sense of humor. Hardness name betrays the confidence and determination to her mistress. you can follow a similar rule when choosing a name for babies summer, strengthening their mild temper. For autumn swallows will fit almost any name - their balanced character easily "make friends" with him.

Choosing a name for a girl: Numerology

In this case it is necessary to compare the values \u200b\u200bof expressions and the number of life. To determine the first fold the letters appearing in the girl's name. The resulting number is the desired. Life path number is determined by the date of birth of crumbs - put all its numbers until you get a value from 1 to 9. If the first value is greater than the second - the girl's life will be directed to the satisfaction of their desires. If on the contrary - will control the character desires. It is believed that a harmonious personality data values \u200b\u200bare equal.

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Choosing a name for a girl: in honor of a relative

Opinions on the subject portrayed different. Call or not a child after a relative - a decision only parents. But they should remember that in this way is likely to inherit the tendency, personality and even the fate of the man after whom the girl called. Therefore, if you decide to take this step, you must weigh the "pros" and "cons." Strongly recommend that you choose a name in honor of the tragically early or dead people. In the end, each person is unique and has a right to its own history.

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