What does Tatiana mean

What does Tatiana mean

The name given to us at birth, is no less strong influence on our character, than the date of birth. Therefore, the child should be called a meaningful way, to know what to expect from him and what channel to direct his energy. And the grown-up son or daughter is very useful to know what the advantages multiply, and over what still needs work. Let us look at what may be named Tatiana.

Origins. Name Tatiana has two choices of interpretation: Greek and Latin. In the Greek version of Tatiana - a lady, who arranges; in Latin - the name is derived from the name Tatia (Sabinsky king).

Talismans and basic features. Space patron of Tatiana - Mars, the zodiac - Capricorn. animals on the side of the world Tatiana lynx, the world of plants - elm and clover from the world of stones - ruby, of colors - crimson color. Lucky for them the day - Saturday, time of year - winter. The main features of the women named Tanya is firmness, loyalty, self-esteem and emotional.


Childhood. Small Tanyushka - smiling restless, from early childhood to seek independence. Even in this age of them noticed stubbornness and principles. At the same time the girls are active, seeking to win the leading position among peers and are able to defend their views. Tanya schoolgirls - capable, but not diligent. It is a natural dislike of monotony makes them a very diverse range of interests. Therefore, they attend sports clubs, a variety of clubs and courses.

With men. For Tatiana man - it's an incentive, so she chooses a partner with strong and courageous members of the opposite sex. In the men's company, she is transformed - its authoritativeness and self-sufficiency are replaced by playful and charming. With his same man Tanya caring, gentle and simple-minded, because of what might suffer itself. In this case, all the failures in the relationship is going through a deep, but is able to deal with them because of its inherent optimism. Sexually Tatiana is guided by the principle of "all or nothing". Therefore, with a loved one is uninhibited, passionate and sexy and decisively tear a relationship where there is no feeling. morality itself sets the boundaries.

A family. Tatiana wife is very contradictory: if her husband meets in all respects, it is the economic and true, but it all still trying to subjugate it and may occasionally make a scandal out of nothing. With age, everything becomes more tolerant. If the spouse has ceased to comply with some of Tatiana criteria - it can change or file for divorce. Tanya for their children is not only a loving mother, but also a true friend. At the same time it can be very strict.

Job. Since Tatiana - nature activities proud and resolute, they have every chance to make a career. At the same time they are easy to pour into the team and thin feel the atmosphere of it. So often smooth conflicts and problems. Possess organizational skills and analytical mind. Succeed in medicine, pedagogy.

In the life of Tatiana observant, perceptive and very optimistic. Respect other people's opinions, but listen only to his. Always know what they want from life and stubbornly go for it. They are impulsive, but often find themselves trying to defuse the situation or solve a problem. Not afraid to start from scratch.

Star bearer of the name - Dogileva Tatiana, Tatiana Navka Tatiana Vasilyeva, Ovsiyenko Tatiana, Tatiana Bulanova Tatiana Arntgolts, Tatyana Ustinova.

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