How to know your holy patron

How to know your holy patron

In difficult life circumstances, our relatives, friends, acquaintances support us. But, there are times when the help of loved ones is not enough. Then we remember about the heavenly patron - the defender of all people who took Holy Baptism.

Who is such a holy patron

Newborn baby parents give younger name, which is entered into a birth certificate. In the Church, the father comes in honor of the saint, whose memory is accounted for to baptism or the day closest. So we get a heavenly benefactor - the intercession from the troubles, misfortunes, evil intent of bad people. Many confuse their saint with the guardian angel. Angel is a non-name, disembodied spirit. Heavenly patron - a person who has lived a pious life who has committed a lot of godly affairs and ranked saints after rest.

How to find out the name of your holy patron

It is necessary to know your holy. After all, we resort to his intercession in a difficult moment, thank you for the support and participation.

Where can I figure out the name of your defender? In the temple, where you were baptized. Metric documents are stored there for all rituals. Ask the priest to raise archival records by calling the date of Crespin.

But not everyone remembers the time of the sacrament, because many of us were baptized in infancy. In this case, open the church calendar - the sacraticles or month and find their name. Saint thesis, whose memory is celebrated soon after your birthday is your opposition in heaven. If in the saints of the saints with your name a lot, choose whose life is close to you in spirit.

When the public name is absent in the saints, or he sounds like a Western European manner, the priest translates it to the Church-Slavic form. For example: Agatha - Agafia, Oksana - Ksenia, Svetlana - Fotinia, Jeanne - John, Denis - Dionysius.

Heavenly patron can be holy, revered and beloved by your family, which helps in difficult situations throughout the many generations.

Holiday patron woman

Name Day - the day of the saint, whose name called you when baptism. At this important day, visit the church service, pray for the well-being of friends and enemies, give alms to the beggar. Houses arrange for loved ones holiday or tea drinking with all sorts of goodies, souvenir gifts, sincere conversations. Buy in the temple the Saint Icon, pray to him not only when Mount-Zlosque is behind the shoulders, but also on happy days.

If you have a rare name and icon to get my name is problematic, buy an icon of All Saints. This is a universal image, and whoever your heavenly patron, he hears the words of prayers and requests or to support you at the crossroads of life.

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Heavenly patrons know all the problems and needs of the person. They continually intercede for us before the Lord, asking us happy and comfortable life. Do not forget to say thanks to the invisible savior to all the goodness, behave decently, and then you will feel constant concern patron saint.

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