What does Anastasia mean

What does Anastasia mean

Despite the frequent involvement in Russian fairy tales, the name Anastasia is like an ancient Greek culture and translated means "Resurrection". Not in vain Nastya becomes The main character of fairy tales, cartoon and films, because this girl is suddenly destined to become a benchmark of beauty, tenderness and prudence.

The girl is surrounded by love in kindergarten and school. A soft tenderness causes a sense of trust, and not in vain. It justifies the assured hopes: it will not become insidious, false, vengeful and coarse. Because of his softness, Anastasia is defenseless before evil unkind people who can offend and deceive. According to his spiritual kindness, Anastasia trusts people and will not seem to look for bad parties.

Nastya - Large dreamer. If about on dome Reads books, it will be fairy tales. A rich imagination and a briefcase of mixed stories rush to faith in miracles. Both in childhood and at a more conscious age Anastasia difficult to feed like food for hERE It is not a vital resource. Parents will have long and tediously instill Anastasia care rules. She does not like to remove after himself toys, fold books and make order in things, not to mention help in household matters.

Although The girl in his youth will learn to economic, culinary and needleful affairs, in its independent life, it will use the resulting skills exclusively by mood. The girl likes elegant beautiful things, and perhaps the only thing that gives her pleasure is to care for home plants. A fine soulful design of a girl can go on a family of artistic abilities, which will later become a priority in choosing a profession. Also Anastasia, to the soul of playing with children and psychology.

Thin developed intuition is triggered at the right moment. This girl can predict trouble or good luck. Early marriage is not hasty. In husband, the girl will choose a courageous and strong satellite, which will most likely be a military. Anastasia is overly impressive and lubricating: a man will be easy to conquer her Heart, if he can die and hook soul.

For The wife of Anastasia will be the faithful and loyal wife, from which the coquetry will never follow and overcome the other mu Mutskin. This girl will immediately improve contact with mother-in-law and make friends with other relatives from the side of his beloved man. She will devote his life and effort to children. In spite of note Heat and friendliness, the nervous system in Anastasia is fragile, and the throat is subject to numerical diseases.

Anastasia has an excellent taste and knows how to choose gifts. Good collectible book or fragile vase prefer Fashionable clothes. Friendliness beret Top, and Anastasia enemies turns into friends. Loves to make gifts, and every day lives, like a holiday.

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