What does the name Sergey mean

What does the name Sergey mean

Sergey's name is borrowed from Romans and is like a generic sergius that in translation sounds like "highly", "high". In church singing it is customary to pronounce Sergius. A versatile identity may complicate the life of loved ones, so the reaction in the unusual situation is difficult to predict.

V To child age, Sergey delivers a lot of trouble to parents associated with weak health. Already with 5. 7 years of illness pass, child It becomes stronger and begins to brightly show future character. The boy knows how to empathize and is careful, he is not indifferent to close relatives, but his actions are more expressive than emotions. Sergey does not consider it necessary to show feelings emotionally, it is important for him to fulfill his duty and take care of his relatives.

Sergey - the word man and promises tries to fulfill. In conscientiously performs its work and in the task, the focus does not focus on speed, but on quality. Such a commitment is not disinterested, and for your work he take Decent fee. He should not remind about anything, he will not forget. Sergey prefers silently heard heard and only in rare cases to express his own position. Despite this, he adheres to a single opinion and not gone On the other.

Sergei actively takes part in public events, are engaged in performances of performances, draw scenery, find themselves in music or artistic art, show their skills in amateur activities. In family and related relations, Sergei willingly agree to help, even if he have to postpone your own business. The conspiracy and priesthood manifests itself to related relationships, and despite the possible contradiction, Sergey knows how to keep silent, in order not to offend anyone, but himself offended quite often and on trifles.

This is a secretive man with a good self-control. He can draw his insult in order to not complicate the situation. Sergey prefers her experiences and mental problems and independently understand. Sergei choose their wife's quiet and family women who know how to keep composure and be calm. In the family, a man boars to his shoulders a lion share of common duties, trying to all Help a spouse. He is not whims for food, but teaches his wife to cook the way Mom did.

Sergey does not mind to relax in a good company, where he likes to tell the jokes. Using alcohol, hmeleet slowly. Jealousy and immaturity often becomes the cause of several marriages. Health often suffers from skin diseases.


Sergey is a good and loyal friend, a caring husband, but feels the face and does not allow to sit on his head. Often your anger and resentment for failures or misses can pour out into the family.

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