How to find out if in the house house

How to find out if in the house house

The house is known for a long time. The people respected, was afraid and tried to earn the love of this mysterious old man. Now many do not believe in the existence of spirits, considering it with fiction and fairy tales. But, if at night you hear the creaking of the flooring, rustling in the corner, the murmur of water, and candy lying in the vase, slowly disappear - do not worry, you do not go crazy. Just you settled the house.

Who is such a house

Our ancestors were confident that in any dwelling, along with people lives the house - the spirit of the house. It may be kind, mischievous, harmful, but always helps in everyday affairs to its owners. The spirit looks, according to old legends, like a bearded old man. Sens a house and in a rustic hut - behind the stove, and in the city apartment - in a dark corner.

How to find out if there is a house in our house, how to discover his presence, is it worth friends with him?


Signs of the house in the house

The houses are invisible, but his presence can feel pets. Close to your cat. So she calmly labels milk, then looks aside, meows and departs from the bowl. And for some reason the dog wishes a friendly tail, looking into the corner of the room. All this indicates the presence of a housekin, who loves animals and is shown to them.

In the apartment there are incomprehensible things? Someone knocks at night with dishes, in itself spilled on the floor of milk or jam, silver spoons disappear, children's toys are also the signs of the house.

Breast-child, being alone, adhesively, waving his hands, smiles - so the baby communicates with the houses.

There is a simple way to find out whether the house really settled in your house. Place a glass of a glass with milk in a warm place. If in the morning he will be incomplete - he dug his house. The scattered deck of cards, laid overnight in the corner near the battery, also talks about the presence of the keeper of the house.


How to make friends with house

If the house loves the family, where he lives, he cares about her: warns about danger, looks at the children in the absence of adults, protects the dwelling from bad guests. It is worth remembering about it and try to establish relationships with the owner of the house. Here are some tips how to do it.

  • Put in a secluded plate with a treat. It can be sweets: crackers, makovs, Landrine type lollipops, chocolate candies without freaks.
  • Do not quarrel with households, do not scold children, do not offend four-legged friends.
  • Carefully clean in the house, do not smoke indoors, do not abuse strong drinks.
  • Do not store old trash - broken things, torn shoes, clothes, blurred light bulbs and other unnecessary smallers.
  • On the birthday of the house - on the night of 10 to 11 February, do not forget to please your home assistant. Prepare for a home offering - a saucer with porridge or honey and leave it on the threshold of the house.

Picture 4.

As you can see, nothing special from us does not require. Love and respect your loved ones, keep the room clean, and Grandpa-Domovic will begin to take care of your farm. In the house there will be awning, children will stop root and capricious, bloom drying flowers, the pies will turn out lush. Even dust in the house will be less, as if someone invisible eaten her caring hand.

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