How to cool a house in the heat

How to cool a house in the heat

In the summer, when all the living around suffers from high temperature on the thermometer column, I want to take refuge in my cozy house and not show my nose to the street. But what to do if you can’t hide from the heat in your own home already in your own home?

Do not allow the sun to penetrate your home. Forget about decorative light curtains - in the summer heat, there is little use from them. But the use of blinds or roller curtains will allow you to control the flow of sunlight. You can also paste the glass with a heat -protective film, which will reflect infrared rays.

Do not open the windows in the afternoon if you do not want to fill the house with hot air and dust. Ventify the rooms only in the evening or in the early morning.

Try to get rid of all vacuumers to the maximum. If there is such an opportunity, take the carpets for the summer and go on the bare floor. All pleasant to the eye are trifles that create comfort in the apartment (for example, frames, figurines, souvenirs), it is also better to hide for a while. The more dust settles on various surfaces in the house, the more difficult it becomes in it to breathe.

Do not forget about the moisture of air in the house. You can use special moisturizers and cleaners for this - they will also save the house from microbes and dust. If you do not have such a technique, use the usual spray. Most importantly, do not forget to do wet cleaning in the morning, then freshness and purity will reign in your house.

To lower the temperature in the house, monitor how many electrical appliances are connected to the network. Each device, whether it is a bulb or TV, emits a certain amount of heat into the air, and accordingly in the house it becomes hotter.

Of course, today many can no longer imagine life without air conditioners. But still, this is not a cheap pleasure and so far not everyone is accessible. And if you follow our simple instructions, you can greatly facilitate your stay at home on hot summer days.

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