The smell of mice how to get rid of

The smell of mice how to get rid of

Living in the neighborhood with mice is extremely unpleasant. Gray rodents can spoil clothing, furniture and equipment in the house, but most of all the food reserves of people suffer most of the mice. Mice are carriers of many infectious diseases, in addition, they leave the litter everywhere, a specific unpleasant smell. The whole thing in the composition of excrement, in large numbers there is ammonia, which easily penetrates the tree and plastic, the smell is delayed for a long time in the tissues present in each house. But if you wish, you can get rid of it, we'll figure it out how to do it.

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the source of an unpleasant smell - the mice themselves. While mice will not disappear from your home, it is useless to fight their smell. The fight against rodents needs to be carried out within the apartment or at home, not limited to one room. Let us list the most effective ways to combat rodents:

  • The easiest way to get rid of mice is to start a cat. Not every cat will catch mice, but, in any case, rodents will feel the presence in the house of a predatory animal and retreat. Of course, not every person can afford to keep the cat in the house, in this case, you can take an animal from friends, for example, at the time of their vacation, even when the cat returns to the owner, a house or apartment will be delighted with mice for a long time.
  • Innovative method - ultrasonic repeller. A special device makes sounds that do not hear people, but annoying mice. If you do not want to spend money on the device, use one of the following methods.
  • Some smells who will not deliver inconvenience to people can scare mice. Mice do not tolerate the smell of mint, tar and mangartee. Prepare cotton swabs, moistened in the peppermint oils of Vishnevsky (it possesses the smell of tar and is available in pharmacies), or moored in the solution of manganese and spread them all over the area, where you need to get rid of rodents.
  • Separately, it should be noted that old methods, such as mousetres and poices, are ineffective and inhuman. In the first case, a new one will come to the place of the mouse to take the territory. In the second - the poison can eat a pet, and if you do not have it, it will be a problem to detect and eliminate the corpse of the poisoned mouse.

When you finally got rid of the mice themselves, you can start the fight against an unpleasant mouse smell. Start with the general cleaning of the room, go through the corners so that there is no mouse litter left. And for the final disposal of the mouse smell, additional measures will be taken:

  • Treat the nine percent vinegar all the surfaces where uninterested guests lived. Vinegar will quickly eliminate the unpleasant smell and will prevent from the return of mice in the future. The floor can be washed, adding 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar to a five-liter bucket.
  • No less efficient and inexpensive tool to combat smells is hydrogen peroxide, used in the same way as vinegar.
  • If you want not only to neutralize the mouse smell, but also get rid of the huge number of pathological microorganisms, which are applied to mice, treat the floor, corners and hard-to-reach surfaces where mice could hide, means containing chlorine. For example, the whiteness most famous among the owners. She disinfects the house and reduces the risks of infection with the tolerated mice of diseases.
  • Another means that simultaneously disfixes and eliminates the smell - manganese, besides, it does not have a caustic smell, which comes from chlorine-containing means. Unfortunately, mangartage is now not sold in pharmacies, but if you have it, dissolve it in water and use during cleaning.

After do not forget to root a premise, filling it with fresh and clean air.

When you completely eliminated the unpleasant smell, it is worth thinking about the preventive measures so that rodents and their characteristic evils never returned:

  • Regularly (at least once a week), spend wet cleaning in the house, proceed with antiseptic means that scare mice.
  • Cheat the house or apartment often, because the mouses avoid drafts.
  • Inspect the home for the presence of holes and make them so that the mice physically could not get into the house.
  • Try not to leave food without packaging, especially overnight, Ceres store in glass or metal tanks - the smell of food can attract rodents.
  • If you live in a private house, make sure that the garbage cans stood away from home.

It turns out that getting rid of a specific mouse smell in the house is not difficult and not expensive. This will require some effort and time, but you will forever forget about the unpleasant rodents and the concomitant soronia, as well as from the risk of infection with all sorts of diseases.

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