How to get rid of unpleasant smell in shoes

How to get rid of unpleasant smell in shoes

If one day your shoes began to fool and, unfortunately, not by roses, you need to urgently take measures to eliminate the unpleasant odor. By itself, such a fragrance will not disappear, and over time it is only enhanced. In addition, an unpleasant smell is able to move from one pair to another, striking, like a virus, new and new objects.

Remove the smell in new shoes

For new shoes, the light fragrance of the skin or suede is considered normal, but other odors, such as glue or rubber, can indicate low quality quality. Of course, it is better not to acquire shoes with a fusion. But if the purchase has already taken place, you can get rid of an unpleasant smell following easy advice:

  • If the source of the fragrance is insoles, replace them with made of natural materials.
  • Leave your shoes for a couple of days on an open loggia or balcony. Especially effective this method in the cold season.
  • If the ventilation does not help, wipe the inner part of the shoes with a cotton disk, moistened in hydrogen peroxide solution. For dark leather shoes, you can also use a mixture of alcohol and manganese. This procedure should be repeated for several days in a row.
  • Food soda will help get rid of the smell of rubber. Put it on a dense paper napkin and make a rectangle on the size of the insoles. Then place it in shoes for 12-24 hours.
  • After getting rid of the unpleasant smell, do not lie down the shoes in its "native" box - the cardboard absorbs all the aromas for a long time.

Get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes

As you know, the sweat itself does not smell. But wet shoes becomes an excellent chatener for bacteria, the result of which is characteristic of the vital activity. It is on the destruction of these microorganisms and should be sent to your efforts:

  • If possible, wrap or wash the shoes using an antibacterial soap or powder. Then dry carefully.
  • Wipe the inner side of the products by the formidron, hydrogen peroxide or a slightly pink solution of manganese. Try not to wet the outer side. Getting Started, remember that the peroxide is capable of lightening materials, and a strong manganese solution can yield to light shoes.
  • Replace the insoles, preferably on special antifungal.
  • Green tea will help to cope with microorganisms. Just place one-time bags with welding in shoes overnight. For a better effect, mix in equal proportions of green tea and a bay leaf, and then move on the coffee grinder. Put a mixture in shoes or boots for 8-10 hours, then just push out shoes.
  • Stop the development of bacteria can freezing. Put the shoes in the freezer, wrapped in a plastic bag, at night, then remove and put for a few hours in a cool place. This method cannot be used for lacquer products.
  • If the unpleasant smell arose as the result of the development of the fungus in the footsteps or increased sweating, you need to use special drugs, while simultaneously applying them to your feet and shoes.

We destroy the smell of urine

If you immediately noticed that the animal has rushed into shoes, then you need to wash off the urine of the jet of warm water, and then process shoes with one of the above methods to remove the smell of sweat. If the "present" was discovered after a couple of hours, it is possible to get rid of sinons only using special agents whose components decompose uric acid molecules. Such neutralizers of smells are sold in pet stores. After successful saving of shoes, be sure to treat it "antigendine" or another similar means.

Prevention of smells

When an unpleasant fragrance is removed, follow the following rules:

  1. Periodically erase the insoles, and also change them to new ones.
  2. Use special dryers for shoes.
  3. After socks, boots or shoes leave open to ventilation.
  4. Wash your shoes regularly and wipe from the inside.
  5. Try to choose socks from natural materials. Synthetics enhances the smell of sweat.
  6. Do not wear one and the same couple a lot of consecutive days.

Try to acquire high-quality shoes from natural materials, as well as correctly take care of it - and your legs will smell only roses.

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