How to get rid of sweat spots

How to get rid of sweat spots

The stains from sweat are not only low-nesthetic, but also the most difficult in washing, in contrast to the stains of another origin. The sweat has an unpleasant property to eat paint on the fabric, so such spots are desirable to display as quickly as possible until they are fresh. Special attention should be paid to the type of contaminated tissue - the choice of method of removal of sweat spots depends on this.

The solar stains can be output using a mixture of denaturated, gasoline and ammonia alcohol in a ratio of 6: 4: 3. After processing, the cloth must be carefully rinsed.

A more sparing method - the use of egg yolk. The whipped egg gently apply to pollution and leave until complete drying. After that, carefully remove the hardened layer. If traces remain on the tissue, you can remove them preheated glycerol.

Effectively removes the stains from sweat of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3%. It must be applied to the fabric and leave for processing approximately 1 hour. Rinse the cloth should be in warm water.

To remove stains from color items, a more sparing method is recommended. The stain should be treated with dry soap, putting the cloth into a slightly heated iron, inverted up the sole. For the final removal of the spot, you need to clear the place of pollution with a damp sponge.

If the stains from the sweat are fresh or low, you can remove them by adding ammonia alcohol into the water. There will be a 1 teaspoon on a liter of water. If the stain is more resistant, the ammonia alcohol should be mixed with conventional salt and water in proportion 1: 1: 10. In the conclusion of processing rinse the cloth in warm water.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of spots from sweat than to deal with them. Therefore, using publicly available hygiene, you can avoid unnecessary care in care for your wardrobe.

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