How to get rid of sweat spots on clothes

How to get rid of sweat spots on clothes

Hot summer or an active lifestyle is often given not only pleasant emotions, but small trouble is sweatpots. And although they do not particularly deliver discomfort, but they can spoil the mood strongly. Not aesthetic divorces worsen the overall impression of the appearance, spoil the tissue of clothing and are practically not amenable to classic washing. In the struggle in uninvited guests, popular methods will come to the rescue. With their help, it will be possible to delicately and quickly eliminate the stains of the sweat, returning the clothes an impeccable look.

Get rid of sweat spots on cotton

Methods for eliminating contaminants from sweat on cotton things are quite simple, but due to no less effective. After processing, the thing should be wrapped in a standard diagram.

  • Prepare a mixture of ammonia and salt. To do this, place 1 tsp of salt and amusing into a glass of water. Treat pollution with the resulting composition and leave it on the fabric of 15 minutes.
  • 1 C.L. Limonic acid put in a glass of water. The resulting solution to process the stains of the sweat and leave the clothes for 1.5-2 hours. For these purposes, acetic essence is also suitable.
  • Connect to 1: 1 vodka (or vinegar) with water. Proceed the problem areas with this solution.
  • Place in the capacity of 2 pages of soda, 1 tsp of the detergent for dishes and ¼ bottles of hydrogen peroxide. Mix the mix thoroughly and apply to the sections of the sweat. Lightly spend the area of \u200b\u200bpollution and leave the composition for an hour.
  • In ½ cup of water, dissolve 2 aspirin tablets (acetylsalicylic acid), which should be predetermined. The resulting composition is treated by sweat stains and leave a thing for 2-3 hours. If the necessary effect is not achieved, the procedure can be repeated by making the cleaner more thick.
  • Place 4 tbsp of soda in a glass of water. Apply the resulting paste on problem areas. The effect of the mixture is 1-1.5 hours.
  • Connect 1 hour Person and 1 cup of water. Treat stain composition and leave it for 1.5-2 hours.

Get rid of sweat spots on silk and wool

The above methods work well when clothing is made of cotton. What if you are wool or silk? To eliminate sweat spots from silk, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Well, soda in the economic soap area of \u200b\u200bpollution. Prepare a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution and pour it on a stain. After - rinse the cloth in the water. After these manipulations, the stain must live significantly. If the result is not good enough, soak the contamination in the solution of oxalic acid by ½ hours. After - clothes thoroughly rinse.
  • Special sodium hyposulfite solution will also come to help in the fight against sweat stains. Dissolve 1 tsp of the substance in the glass of water. Treat the resulting stains and leave it for 20 minutes. Next - rinse clothes several times.

In the event of problem seats on the wool, use the salt. Prepare the saline solution (5 tbsp on a glass of water). Treat the sweat stains and leave the clothes to dry. Further, apply alcohol (or vodka) to the pollution sites. Put the product with the standard way.

How to warn the appearance of sweat spots on clothes

Several simple techniques will serve good prevention of the appearance of pollution from sweat and will prolong the service life:

  • Apply a deodorant on the skin with a thin layer. Clothes wear in a couple of minutes when the tool will dry.
  • We regularly erase things, as the forged stains are much more difficult to delete, and the effectiveness of funds can decrease.
  • Do not soak white things in the bleach. Unpleasant sweat spots can get gray, remove which is problematic.
  • Before removing stains, rinse the thing in soapy warm water.
  • Do not use too hot water - it fixes stains.
  • Do not hesitate in trying to drop the spot, as you can damage fabric and paint.
  • Removal pollution is recommended from the wrong side of the clothing, thereby preventing the occurrence of ugly divorces.

Do not forget about the unpleasant smell, which often accompanies unaesthetic divorces. To eliminate it, use the cooking salt. Divide 4 tbsp on a liter of water and immerse the clothes into the solution for 10 hours. After the product, you need to slip with soap or washing powder.

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