How to wash the handle from clothes

How to wash the handle from clothes

Office workers and mother students know how difficult to wash the handle from the clothes. Stains remain even after washing in hot water, and if we stupid these sites, then dirty divorces can not be avoided. Sometimes it is necessary to even throw out this clothes!

Do not rush to part with your favorite blouses, shirts, dresses and skirts - you can save the thing and wash the handle from the clothes.

How to remove spots handles from clothes at home

There are a lot of means to excrete different stains, but among them you can not find such that will help to wash the stains left by gel or ordinary ballpoint handle.

Here is a list of homemade tools that will help get rid of stains:

  • the first and most effective means is the ammonia alcohol;
  • it also copes well with the task and ammonia + turpentine mixture;
  • conventional cow milk or sour can also help solve the problem;
  • alcohol + acetone;
  • gasoline, solvent;
  • mustard in powder;
  • starch, ordinary chalk or talc;
  • it is worth trying and a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with ammonia.

All listed funds will help get rid of stains on clothes left by handle.

How to wash the stains of the handle from clothes

To quickly get rid of stains and bring clothing in order, you need to know what means can be used for different types of fabrics:

  • len and cotton are natural fabrics, mostly bright shades. In order to wash the handle, you need to take a cotton disc and make a solution from ammonia and water. It will take 5 ml of ammonia on a glass of warm water. You need a tampon to moisten in this agent and wipe pollution. Then the thing needs to be wrapped with hands or in a washing machine with a conventional powder;
  • if you need to withdraw a stain on color clothes, then it is best to use this means: mix turopidar and ammonia (take half a teaspoon), put on the stain of the paste, hold before adding or completely removing the stain. Then this place must be rolled and wrapped as usual;
  • if the stains are fresh, then you can try them in this way: take a spoonful of acetone (without flavors, humidifiers and dyes) and the same number of alcohol. The mixture is slightly warm (in a water bath), and then apply immediately to the place of contamination. It will also need a wet march to fly through this place iron. If after such a way of removing stains from the handle on the light fabric, divorces appeared, then these places need to be additionally wiped with ammonic alcohol. This method is suitable for removing stains for all types of tissues;
  • also fresh stains of the handle can be tried to remove with sour milk. You need to soak in the sour-colored product, leave for the night, then stretch, as usual;
  • lemon juice will help remove stains from any fabric. Only one can not be removed in this way of stains from light fabrics;
  • how to get rid of stains left by a handle on a denim: grate this place with a large salt, wipe with acetic acid, can be juice of fresh lemon or ordinary alcohol. If the handle with a red rod, then you need to lose the stain with a solution of ammonia. If the rod is violet or black, then such a solution can be made: alcohol + acetone. If jeans are light, then you need to mix ammonia with hydrogen peroxide in proportions 1: 1;
  • how to get rid of spots handles from velvet clothing. There is only one age-proven agent: milk. If the stain is fresh, you need to soak in milk clothes for 30 minutes, then wrapping clothes manually. If the stain is old, then the milk must be heated;
  • how to get rid of spots handles from delicate fabrics: silk and wool. The most sparing way: it is to make a crawler out of soda and water, put it on a stain, leave for 7 minutes, then remove the remains of soda, the product to wrap. Remove a stain on woolen tissues or silk can and in this way: soap solution + gasoline or gasoline + kerosene is applied to the spot, it is left to a complete disappearance, then the divorces need to be removed with a solution of 2% hydrochloric acid;
  • with leather clothes and bags, remove traces from the handle can be varied by different means: alcohol, salt + turbine, face cream or body, ammonia + glycerin, as well as hair varnish. An interesting method of removal of stains is the use of scotch. You need to stick the strip of the sticky ribbon to the pollution site, closely press, then neatly rejuvenate. The remaining traces of the handle must be erased by an eraser designed to remove the ink handle with paper.

All of the above methods will help to get rid of the spots of the handles, but only you need to try each method on a small piece of fabric so as not to spoil the thing. Well, if the pollution is extensive, then you will have to pass the thing into dry cleaning.

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