Even a very good mistress is difficult to keep kitchen towels clean. After 2-3 days of use, the tissue acquires an unpleasant smell and spots may appear on it. In this article we will look at how to wash the kitchen towels.
If the fabric is not very dirty and no stains, it is enough to wash it in a washing machine. Correctly select the washing mode. White cotton towels can be erased at 90-95 ° C. Colored at 60 ° C.
If there are fat stains on the canvas, then soak them in a solution of soda before washing. For the preparation of the solution, add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to hot water. Immerse the fabric into the liquid and hold 2-3 hours. After that, erase, as usual. There is a very original way of removing stains on Japanese technology. To do this, heat the water in an enameled bucket almost to a boil. Add to it 2 tablespoons of the bleach and sunflower oil (refined). Put a glass of washing powder in this judge, stir the liquid and immerse the towels in it. Soaking time is 12 hours. After that, the towel should be rolled well. You do not need to wash.
Have you prepared a fur coat or cut herring? The towels are unpleasant to smell. To get rid of the smell, wash their economic soap and lower the heatman in a weak solution. Water should be light pink. Keep fabric in liquid need 10-12 hours. After that, post the towels in the typewriter.
Towels are very dirty and unpleasantly smelling? Soak them in a wash solution in the domain solution. It perfectly removes fat and destroys the microbes that contribute to the emergence of an unpleasant odor. You can soak the fabric in a mixture of washing powder and food soda. The amount of ingredients should be the same. Very effectively copes with spots. An ordinary cook salt. Prepare a very salty solution. To do this, use cold water. Pulse the fabric into the liquid and hold out 1 hour. After that, you can wash, as usual.
What if on the tissue of the mold flas? From it you can get rid of vinegar. To do this, in a liter of warm water, dissolve the stall of vinegar and pour the liquid on the canvas. Hold the fabric in a solution of 10-15 minutes. Rinse the towels and post them in a washing machine.
Remember, towels need to be erased separately from the other linen. If you mix underwear, it can smell badly. To remove a bold spot that does not be overwhelmed, pour into it a dishwashing liquid and leave for a day. After that, rinse the cloth. Excellent with pollution copes hydrogen peroxide. One vial (30 ml) is enough for 10 liters of water. Leave the towels for the night, and in the morning carefully rinse and post. Do not spare water, the peroxide can destroy the tissue if it is bad to wrap it up.
White cotton towels can be boiled. To this way, resort as less as possible, because frequent boiling destroys the structure of the tissue. Over time, holes may appear on it. Immediately after washing, pull out things from the machine and drag them. If you dry the towels in the fresh air, they will smell perfectly.