How to wash the fat stain

How to wash the fat stain

Planted on clothing, linens, bags and shoes grease stains spoiling not only their aesthetic appearance, but also by being a long time non-output, damaging the structure of the fabric fibers. To part with their favorite things, and many products are simply a pity, and the need for this, because there are many ways and means to get rid of these spots. If you do not work one of the following methods, do not lower your hands and use the other. Consider some of them.

Old stains from grease pre "rejuvenate" steamed product with them, and then proceed to remove them. For example, dental or sprinkle mustard powder or chalk pounded and leave it for three or four hours, then remove it using a brush or sponge, wash the thing. Use a spray, powder, soap, foam "Antipyatin" spray "Udaliks" or "K2R" (Austrian production), when they are used, follow the instructions. Try Ace Oxi Magic for colored fabric, only make sure that the thing is not shedding. And recommend the use of a very exotic option: go to sleep before washing Stubborn stains powder for washing floors Mr. Proper. Try to soak the clothes and underwear with grease spots in the diluted water facility Domestos for five hours, or a day in Fairy.


For all types of fabrics, except silk suit this method of getting rid of the fat stains: moisten the sponge in gasoline, acetone, turpentine or kerosene, pat it a good place of pollution, and on both sides, and leave it for half an hour, then wipe with a cloth with ammonia. More than two times this procedure is not repeated. Stains from oil, remove, resorting to this method: on both sides of the spot on the product, place a pre-folded several times paper or napkins, then iron it hot iron. As the absorption of fat tissue change. The fabric is then washed as usual. Such a method is not applicable to products of silk. For them, select this: connect two tablespoons of glycerin and water, one - ammonia. The mixture obmoknite cotton pad soaked spots. After three or four hours, rinse and wash the thing by all the rules.


And will resort to such cleaning Lay dry thing enclosed under a tissue stain and starch pour dense layer on it. Puts new tissue as fat absorption, and change the tool itself. If requires disposal of such spots couch surface, use this method: Starch warm water to dissolve mushy consistency, then the resulting mass is put on the padding with a spot for six hours, then remove any excess composition brush. Rid clothes from grease stains, and so can: add five liters of water four tablespoons of baking soda, dip into a solution of things or underwear, keep no more than three hours, then wash. Alternatively, as follows: a large stack salt vsypte ten liters of cold water and soak requiring otstiryvaniya cloth for a few hours, then thoroughly rinse.


Also you can mix in equal proportions, ester and magnesia or turpentine and ammonia or ammonia water and (2: 1) to apply the selected agent to stain for one hour, and then try to wash things. To remove the fat from the suede shoe bags or add to a glass of warm water and a little liquid soap tablespoon of ammonia in this solution and moisten the cloth wipe the stain. Then hold for three minutes on the ferry and clean the lint brush with a rubber product or rubber teeth. Or heated in a pan with absorbent powder (dental, baby powder, chalk) treat contaminated surface, attach the top of a porous paper, folded in three layers, press down the pressure for four hours, then remove the tool.


With a little effort, you will be able to return the expensive heart of things still attractive.

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