How to wash blood from clothes

How to wash blood from clothes

The blood forming on the clothes is difficult to display stains, contains protein compounds, which, when drying in air, are fixed in fabric structures. Therefore, the faster to start removing the blood stain, the greater the likelihood of success. For this there is a sufficient number of ways that we will introduce you in this article.

Blood can be removed. The main thing here is not to conduct this procedure in warm or hot water. Cold water in this case weakens the stain and the likelihood of its fixation. Fresh stain need to rinse under a stream of water from the outstanding of clothes. Then you should soak the product in cold water for half an hour. If the stain is solar, time increases to three hours. Then it is necessary to wash the surface of the spots with economic soap, shampoo or dishwasher liquid. After that, it is worth losing the folds of the fabric at the point of pollution and leave the tool to work for 15-30 minutes. After that, the thing needs to be solid in cold water. If the stain disappeared, clothing can be wrapped in the usual way.

If the old blood stain could not be removed, you can soak clothing in cold salt water for 12 hours. The liter of water requires 4 st. Salt spoons. A little dishwasher can be added to the solution. In this process, you can use a brush to remove a stain.

To remove blood from clothing, the ammonia alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are used. A 3% peroxide solution should be pouring on a wet fabric at the point of contamination and wait 5 minutes. It enters the reaction with blood remnants and begins to foam, decomposing a stain. Then the foam can be removed with an old towel.

When using the ammonia alcohol in the proportion of one of its tablespoons on a half-table of water, the solution is applied to the fabric and works 30-60 minutes. Then the stain is washed in cold water.

Blood stains are displayed using a meat softener, which represents powder with enzymes designed to convert the protein. From such a powder and water, a paste is made, which is applied to the stain. After 30 minutes, pollution is washed.

It's all. We hope that our tips will help you. Good luck!

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