Clean beautiful towels in the kitchen - not only hygienic, but also aesthetically attractive. However, the kitchen specificity is such that maintaining kitchen towels in perfect condition is far from always. And pollution that "get" during the work of these textile helpers can be quite firmly eaten into the fabric. However, this is not a reason to throw them away - there are many ways to restore beauty and freshness towels.
We remove flax fat, coffee, tea, tomatoes, wine with kitchen towels
To remove bold, coffee, tea, tomato or wine spots with towels, you can use several soaking methods:
- with salt: soaking a towel in a salt solution (1 liter of cold water - 1 tbsp. salt) at least 1 hour, maximum - at night;
- with economic soap (no less than 72%): thickened dirty napkins with soap, we put in a cellophane package, tie it and leave it for a day;
- with the ammonia: soak up the dirty towels in the Nashaira, divorced in half with water.
After soaking textiles, just extend in the washing machine as usual or manually.
Remove old pollution from kitchen towels
A proven way to make old kitchen napkins clean and fresh - use soaking special composition. It includes washing powder (it is preferable to take a means for automatic washing), a dry stainover (or bleach), soda and vegetable oil. You also need a capacity of 10 liters (bucket, pan).
We boil in the capacity of 5-7 liters of water, turn off the fire and add to it 20-30 mg of each of the above ingredient. All mix well, put the towels into the water and mix again. When water in the container is completely cooled, rinse or extend textiles in a washing machine.
Refresh the view of the kitchen towels
If the stains on the kitchen napkins are not very empty, it is possible to give textile former attractiveness in the following ways of washing:
- soda: Add 4-5 till a powder compartment. Food Soda, Select Cotton mode, 95 degree temperatures and launch the washing process;
- with a dishwasher detergent: in the same powder compartment, pour a small amount of the means and erase the towels first in the "Pre-Wash" mode, and then in the "Cotton" mode with a temperature of 95 degrees.
You can also use soaking towels in a hot solution of powder powder with soda (overnight) or in a strongly concentrated water solution with a dishwashing agent (before half an hour).
Return white kitchen towels
It is possible to return the pristine whiteness with kitchen napkins by soaking in a thick solution of mustard powder (by 6-8 hours), weakly pink boiling water, washing powder (200 g) and manganese (until a complete cooling of water) or in hot water with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. Boric acid (for a couple of hours). After soaking, stretch the towels manually or in a typewriter.
As you can see, make your kitchen towels again clean, beautiful and fresh not so difficult. And in order not to bring textiles to the "complex" state, more often change it, wash it on time and use strictly by destination.