How to whiten the white stuff at home

How to whiten the white stuff at home

White stuff over time lose their original freshness and brightness. The need for frequent washings leads to their greyish or yellowing. Any woman who takes care of that white stuff it looked neat and well-groomed, achieves this with the help of simple substances. Consider ways that do not harm the various tissues and allow to whiten the white stuff at home.

Washing white things with "whiteness" in the machine

Carefully reassemble things intended for washing. Enough with the tab in the car view and put together with white linen something colored like instead of the expected brightness get damaged, faded things. In the compartment powder pour ¼ of a cup of white powder or bleach. long course is selected, a pre-soaking. This method is quite aggressive, prior to use, read the instructions beforehand bleach and labels on clothes. Usually it is used for the washing of articles from durable cotton fabrics: tablecloths, napkins, white jeans.

Hand wash with "whiteness" for bleaching white things

You can whiten things Sensitive whitening without the help of technology. Hand wash white cotton items is able to recover their original color. Wash items in 6-7 liters of soapy water with two tablespoons of "whiteness." Leave them in the water for half an hour, do not forget to stir occasionally. Several times rinse well in cold water. Chlorine bleach not tolerate all kinds of fabrics. They are suitable for whitening faded cotton textiles.

Bleaching white things: ammonia

In bleaching yellowed things soak them after washing in water with a few drops of ammonia for 2-3 hours. Water should be very hot, about 70 degrees, and completely cover the underwear. Rinse thoroughly with warm, then cold water. This is an excellent method for the treatment of lace products. recommended water temperature not higher than 30 degrees for wool and silk.

Bleaching white things: soap

Gray shade of white linen removes soap. Rub them wet things, put in a plastic bag, tie tightly and leave for a day so. The next day, eject from the pack shining white clothes.

soap households

Ancient methods of whitening white things

The problem of the return of the lost things white allowed even our grandmothers. Traditional tested substances recommended for this, there is in each house salt, soda, ammonia, 3% hydrogen peroxide.

  • Among the "old wives' methods in the first place is the hydrogen peroxide bleaching. 2 L of water is sufficient teaspoon peroxide. Immerse into solution with yellow or gray 'color spoiled things for 15-20 minutes. Periodically turn them to achieve uniform bleaching. When mixed in water peroxide and baking soda can be achieved even in a dazzling white clothes have served.
  • A good result can be achieved by bleaching things water with soda ash. the washing solution was prepared as follows: 5-6 liters of heated water dissolve 5-6 tablespoons baking soda, pour 2 tablespoons of ammonia. Immerse in it items for the bleaching. After a few hours carefully rinse them, wash as usual. Some things made of natural materials, with the exception of clothing, you can boil the solution. For example, bed linen, towels, socks, underwear.
  • Normal table salt helps to restore the whiteness of wool and cotton fabrics. Use without fear of damage such composition: a handful of salt 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 3 tablespoons peroxide solution in 2 liters of water, heated to the temperature indicated on the label of your clothing. Things will not hurt and a little bit of detergent in the composition.

Do not abuse the frequent bleaching white things in the home, especially using chlorine bleach. Tissue gradually becomes thinner from this, the service life of things is reduced.

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