How to wash manually

How to wash manually

The appearance of high-tech washing machines has quite facilitated washing even delicate linen. What if the machine breaks and what then? Aza hand washing just need to know all households. Consider some tricks of laundry manually.

Decide with a wash place - it can be naturally a bathroom, a kitchen and any other room with access to water. The country or rustic option is a bath, a pond, a river, if there are places there are, well, in extreme case - part of the garden away from vegetable crops.

Sort the dirty things from bed linen, and all underwear put it in a separate handheld, light and dark also separately, baby T-shirts from adult things and so on. Woolen things turn inside out.

France in advance with a basin, washing powder for manual washing, economic soap, and if necessary, bleach and air conditioning for linen. Well, if there will be two tanks for washing, and the washing means are somewhat - for white, colored linen, for delicate fabrics.

According to the dosage, dusted the powder, soap or gel for washing in water, the temperature of which should correspond to the type of tissue. Cotton and linen fabrics are erased in hot water, woolen and silk - at low temperatures, colored - in warm water.

Place things in the pelvis and completely climb them in water with a divorced tool - for convenience, use some suitable subject to do not burn your hands, or do it in gloves. When the water is slightly cool - read the contents of the pelvis of a friend about the friend, and if the water is warm, then do this action directly during soaking.

Leave clumsy underwear for a while, depending on the degree of pollution. Pestry and multicolored clothes, try not to soak at all so that they do not polish. In a special case, add to the pelvis, where you will erase something bright, a small amount of vinegar or table salt.

Strongly salted sections of clothing (collars, bottom trousers, cuffs, etc.) Pre-inspire with economic soap, single specks on clothes are also covered.

Do not overturn clumsy things to a characteristic unpleasant smell so as not to start the wash again. The water acquired a dark tint, the dirt went down - it's time to start riding. Rinse all the underwear alternately in a large amount of warm water, which will have to be updated to transparency - at least 3 times. Add, if necessary, in a rinse air conditioner for linen, according to the instructions for use.

Also alternately, carefully squeeze all clean linen by placing it in a separate pelvis - it will be conveniently attributed to the wet things on the balcony. Bed linen and towels can be blocked slightly, but delicate fabrics are trying at all should not squeeze hard, but let them rush well.

People prone to allergies to chemical components, you need to limit the manual washing with powders to a minimum or carry out this procedure in a well-ventilated room and outdoors.

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