How to wash pillows

How to wash pillows

If your bedding is clean, fresh, then the dream will be healthy. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they are always in proper condition. In particular, it is periodically necessary to wash not only pillowcases, sheets, dupes, and pillows. After all, the dirt is accumulated there, dust and sometimes pincers even come. Next, in detail we will study how to wash the pillows of the house.

What are pillows

In order not to spoil your favorite product, decide what it is made, more precisely, what kind of cushion filler:

  • hollofiber, Sintepon;
  • bamboo;
  • feathers, fluff;
  • polyester, polyester fiber.

Washing pillows with artificial fillers

Pliers do not begin in synthetic fillers. However, after washing, some pillows (synthetone) lose their shape, become unsuitable for use. Such products will have to be replaced with new ones. Or spend washing as less as possible and hands. First, soak them in warm water with a liquid gel fragrant. Then roll, press the pillows should not be squeezed. Dry in a warm, ventilated place.

It is easiest to erase anti-stress pillows (with polyester, polyester fiber). It is possible in a machine machine or manually. Spin they do not need. Dry anti-stress pillows better on a special dryer. Do not hang them on the rope so that you do not lose the form. Hollofiber products are erased every 5-6 months, polyester every 2-3 months.

Washing bamboo pillows

Erase the pillow by hand, warm water 35-38 ° C. As a detergent, use non-severe gel-shaped means. Soak the pillow for 30-35 minutes, then you can safely. Do not unscrew it, and slightly pressed on the surface so that the form remains the same. Dry on the dryer.

Washing Puff Pillows, Feather

You can carry out this procedure two methods. If the pillow is small, then erase in an automatic machine. Select the mode of manual washing with a temperature not higher than 40ºС. Press on small revolutions. In addition, it will not prevent add an extra rinse.

The pillow with dimensions 70 at 70 is unlikely to fit into your typewriter. Therefore, it will have to erase it. To do this, follow the following sequence:

  • prepare a place in advance, all accessories for washing, heat water;
  • remove the pillow and portions alternately erase feathers in warm water;
  • washing is done like that - first, soak the fluff or feathers in warm soapy water, turn well, then rinse them;
  • so do until you wipe the whole down.

Drying pillows after washing

Seeing feathers separately. Put down the fluff in a dry, warm place so that it does not refuse. Otherwise, you can no longer get rid of such a characteristic smell. Even re-laundry will not help. This filler will have to throw out. Periodically change them in places and fill so that they do not come down all together and took the previous appearance. In winter, feathers dry 3-4 days, in summer one is enough. When the "filling" dries, take up the exterior design. Match back to the new one. Shoot it out of dense fabric. Top put on the pillowcase.

After the procedures described above, your favorite pillow will become like new. Let it be a time-consuming process, but a good, calm dream to you after washing is provided.

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