How to wash jeans

How to wash jeans

Bought new jeans and want them for a long time and did not lose their attractiveness - learn to wash them right. From the method of washing depends on the preservation of their original color, and the density of the material, and the good fit of the product on the figure.


Manufacturers of jeans soak jeans do not recommend. But if your favorite jeans are too dirty, then you can do it. But follow the following rules:

  • Magnify jeans in water room temperature.
  • Soaking time - no more than 1 hour.
  • Do not use the washing powder for soaking, but only the economic soap. It is soda in a shallow grater and pre-dissolve in water.
  • In the water for soaking, add a pair of vinegar spoons - it is necessary to save paint on the fabric.

These simple rules will save your jeans from strong clarification.


Although manual wash is a remnant of the past, but it is she who will keep your jeans from too fast wear. So:

  1. In the pelvis for washing, pour enough warm water (no more than 40 degrees) and dissolve in it grated economic soap.
  2. Lower jeans into the water and give them completely soaked with water.
  3. Spread the wet jeans on a flat surface and start them to rub the brush of the middle rigidity. Try so that the intensity of friction in all areas of jeans was the same. The brush periodically omit into the soap solution.

Rinse after manual washing

When jeans are completely treated with a brush with a soap solution, they need to rinse:

  1. Pour water temperature water in large pelvis and lower jeans into it. Take them for the belt and lift and lower the product into the water.
  2. Pour dirty water out of the pelvis and pour clean. Reduce and raise jeans over the pelvic, every time completely immersing them into the liquid.
  3. Change water in the pelvis until it becomes completely clean, i.e. Without traces of a soap solution.

Machine wash

Do not want to wash jeans with your hands, use the washing machine:

  1. Button on jeans all zippers, buttons and buttons and remove the product inside out.
  2. Put jeans into the car and install the "Denim Clothing" program. If there is no one, then use a "delicate washing" by setting the temperature of 40 degrees and turning off the "press" mode. Instead, set the "extra rinse".

When washing jeans in the car, use a special means for denim clothing. These can be preparations: Domal Jeans, Soft Jeans, Abeko for Jeans or the like. It is also allowed to use powder for washing colored fabrics, but then it is still necessary to pour and air conditioning to mitigate.

Drying jeans

Jeans is better to dry laid on a flat horizontal surface. This method will allow jeans not to lose its original form, unlike drying on the rope. True, in the unfolded state they will dry up much longer. Combined drying can be released:

  1. First, put jeans on the grille set horizontally over the bathroom.
  2. After a complete flowing of the water, you drag them on the rope, while taking the clothespins along the belt line.

Ironing jeans

This stage of care for your favorite jeans is at your discretion. Want to be smooth, you want - no. Well-sitting jeans, completely repeating the contours of the buttocks and the hips, will look good on you in any case.

Useful advice

If you do not adhere to some of the rules, even correctly wiped jeans may be randomly corrupted. So that this does not happen, follow these recommendations:

  • Before washing, check your pockets for the presence of foreign objects in them: cigarettes, money, chewing and so on.
  • If jeans are too linted, then insert the gaskets from several layers of cotton fabric in front of manual washing. They will prevent the formation of traces from pockets in places of intensive friction with a brush.
  • Try not to take your jeans in a dry cleaning - chemical agents will surely clarify them.

Suddenly, your jeans turned out to be contaminated with paint, and you think that wash them will not help them and you are going to throw them away, do not hurry, but better read our article "How to remove paint from jeans". And on the site of any stain you can make a beautiful decorative hole. We also wrote about this - "How to break beautiful jeans".

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