How to wash wool

How to wash wool

Indispensable with the arrival of cold weather from wool. However, natural fabric is quite delicate and requires particularly careful circulation. Erase woolen things correctly, if you do not want them to roll, stretch out and become hard.

Woolen clothing is not so often contaminated, like any other, so it does not need frequent washing. In addition, the unpleasant smells of sweat, smoke and food from woolen products will quickly weather. It is enough to keep a thing in the fresh air, and if a stain appeared - to clean it. Wash such things recommended once every six months, no more often.

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Wool does not tolerate soaking. The longer such a product is in water, the greater the chances that it will lose the form.

Before washing, sorted underwear. Woolen things are recommended to erase separately. Most often, natural wool is painted with unstable dyes, so it can lift. Yes, and the conditions of washing for different things of the unequal.

Wool products require delicate washing - ideally manual with plenty of water. We pour hot water into the pelvis, in which the washing powder is dissolved (also specially desirable), after which they bring water to the desired temperature - about +30 degrees, not hot, so that the thing does not change the shape. If you can eat in soft water.

Before washing, remove the woolen thing inside out. Erase carefully, do not try and do not stretch too much. If there are places of severe pollution, treat them with a stain remover.

For rinsing, you will need a lot of clean water of the same temperature at which it was washing, otherwise the thing can roll - the wool does not like temperature drops. Change the water several times. Keep in mind that rinse is needed very carefully, since even a little powder, which will remain between the fibers, is enough for stains on the material. In the last water for rinsing, add air conditioning and an antistatic. There is a folk remedy for mitigating woolen things when washing - glycerin (1 tablespoon for 10 liters of water).

Do not unscrew the thing, only slightly peel water. You can roll in a terry towel and melt slightly. If we erase a cumbersome product, give him a little stroke - open the boots and put a thing on them. Let it lie so until it stands slightly.

We dry woolen things in the unfolded form, no shoulders and clothespins. Also, wool does not like straight rays of the sun and heat batteries. It is not always to iron a wool product. Knitted things do not require this. If there is a need to use the iron, do it through a cotton fabric in a special mode "wool".

You can wash the woolen thing and in the washing machine. Do it in a special gentle mode, for example, "manual wash".

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