How to wash Hollofiber

How to wash Hollofiber

Hollofiber, if you believe Wikipedia, is nonwoven material produced from polyester fibers and having a hollow structure. But, surely you are familiar with this material and use it in everyday life, because it is a soft and lightweight filler for pillows and blankets, which has long come to replace the traditional packing of feathers. In addition, it is used in warm things instead of a synthet board, which, alas, lost its qualities of the insulation after the first washing and categorically did not tolerate high temperatures. The advantages of this material include good hygiene, compared with feathers, and durability. But after a long service, like any other material, holofiber is polluted, and it must be washed. Hospipes who have never had to wash Hollofiber, our article will be useful.

Hollofiber's practicality is manifested including the applicability for his washing of different types of detergents. You can use both whitening powder and liquid detergents, concentrates or ordinary soap. Naturally, any means are suitable if you erase only the filler itself. When washing the pillows and blankets, either holofiber jackets, guided product labels and fabric features. In general, it is better to use a liquid detergent or a children's powder with a reduced supply content so that the detergent is easily washed from the holofiber fibrous structure.

The next step is to choose a temperature. By and large, there is no special difference in the choice of temperature. Of course, you should not subjected to a big heating fiber so as not to spoil the structure. For washing directly filler will be sufficiently and non-rigid water temperature of 30-40 degrees. If you erase the entire product, select the temperature suitable for the fabric from which this product is sewn.

Drying holofiber occurs very simple. First of all, it is not necessary to worry about the spinning, the holofiber can be squeezed at maximum revs. The twisted spiral structure of the fibers of this insulation very easily restores its shape. After pressing in a centrifuge, thresh or decompose Hollofiber, providing air movement. The entire remaining moisture will leave very quickly.

Be careful when using the iron. To stroke things with holofiber, choose the most minimal heating temperature. If synthetic balls are heated to a temperature above 100 degrees, their structure will collapse.

If necessary, hollofiber products can be mashed in water with a detergent to better rebuild contaminants - filler fibers will not hurt. Remember only the maximum permissible temperature, and do not soak things in boiling water.

If the material has been used for a long time without washing, or, on the contrary, somewhere stored in a compressed form, fibrous structures could be restarted and seized with each other. This does not mean that the filler can be thrown out, and easily corrected. After washing and drying, take the brush and fluff off the comcompusing balls. After that, a blind pillow will restore its former volume and shape.

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