No matter how neat, it will be time to wash the down jacket. Modern washing machines have a special program for this and easily cope with this task. But what if the down jacket is decorated with fur edge? Namely, the most popular. There is a way out and from this problem situation.
If the manufacturer prudently took care of a removable fur finish, then you are lucky. Most often it is attached using buttons or lightning. Satze the fur finish and clean it separately. The fur edge of natural fur is erased by the usual hair shampoo in running water. Add a slightly detergent, slightly rinse the fur and rinse carefully. Spread the fur for drying on the towel horizontally. The dried fur product is neatly tailored to the comb - first against the pile, then in its direction.
This method of cleaning fur is not very effective if there are visible fatty pollution on it. Prepare for fur cleaning Special composition: Add 2 h 2 h. Salt spoons, 1 h. Spoon of ammonic alcohol, stir. Apply a mixture into contaminated pieces of fur and leave so half an hour. Then post and dry the product as described above.
If for some reason it is desirable not to wash the fur, but to clean, for example, the fur is non-removable or very polluted - use the mixture of gasoline and starch for cleaning. Mix these ingredients to the thickness of sour cream. The resulting composition apply to contaminated sections of the fur edge. Leave so for a while, after which all gasoline evaporates, and the starch will absorb dirt. Now read the fur combustion so that there are no traces of starch. If necessary, you will repeat this procedure. Removable fur can now be wrapped.
Not always, with a sewing of the outerwear, natural fur is used. He gradually displaces artificially. This is understandable: it is easier by weight, much cheaper, it is easier to clean, and for the sake of it, it is not necessary to kill animals. It is not difficult to care for artificial fur products - they can be erased without fear to spoil appearance. Start with the study of the label on the down jacket. There must be the conditions for washing. Most often, the down jacket can be wrapped in a washing machine, setting gentle mode. The stains on the fur finish are cleaned the same as spots on natural fur - gasoline with starch or ammonia, mixed with water and salt. It is impossible to clean artificial doodle gasoline.
Some artificial fur products are better to wash manually. Prepare a warm soap solution from wool and silk washing powder. Clean the down jacket before washing. You can apply a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Then, flush the fur form in the soap solution, leave for 15-30 minutes, rinse under running water. Artificial fur can not get out, it is better to slightly squeeze the water with his hands or wrap it with a cotton cloth, squeeze it water. Hang the jacket on the shoulders. Dry at room temperature away from the heating devices. Artificial fur is not pulled out, and the horizontal drying is not needed.
Special concern requires white fur products that can not be washed. Often yellowish spots appear on them. You can remove them with a mixture of water with lemon juice. Take the ingredients of the mixture in equal proportions. Moisten in the composition of the clothing brush and very carefully clean it with spots on a white artificial fur, until the yellowness is completely disappeared. The product with a fur that is not recommended to be washed, clean the ammonia, which can be mixed in equal shares with denatort.
If we fear that the home wash hurt the fur on the down jacket, then take your favorite thing with a fur edge into a dry cleaning. Experienced specialists will explore the material of the jacket, its finish and the degree of pollution, will pick up the appropriate composition for cleaning. Therefore, soon you will get your clothes perfectly cleaned.
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