How to clean a fur coat

How to clean a fur coat

To keep your fur does not lose its attractive appearance, it is necessary to look for. Coat clean not only in the end of the season, before put into the closet, but in the winter. Dispose directly from fresh contamination. Especially noticeable on light pollution fur. Hem long coats much dirt collects, therefore, requires a periodic cleaning.

When the fur villi begin to stick together, the coat loses its shine and becomes dull. Sprinkle fur with fine salt, a little remember, comb in the direction of the nap. Then shake well and hang on the coat hanger. Fur comb brush with hard bristles.

Never use chemicals to clean the coat means for other purposes. Fur ever lose its luster, the villi - elasticity, broken off. Do not wash the coat - after washing, you will not be able to comb the fur, moreover, it will change its shape. If the coat hesitated - not even remember about the iron. At temperatures above 50 ° fur skin layer is deformed and revive it is no longer possible. In this case, moisten the pile with a wet sponge, let it dry, and comb with a stiff brush.

Greasy collar and sleeve is purified with an alcohol, water and vinegar, taken in equal proportions. Apply the mixture on the fur, and then dry linen cloth. The final stage - combing.

Dark fur brush solution of ammonia and water in the ratio 1: 4. Apply the mixture on the contaminated site, after 3-5 minutes, wipe with water, slightly acidified with vinegar. Dry cotton cloth to remove excess moisture. All the dust and dirt will remain on a napkin. Do not forget that after cleaning the fur must be combed. When using hydrogen peroxide solutions, vinegar, alcohol, gasoline beware. If the concentrated solution gets on scrapings - you can ruin the coat.

With cleansing light fur copes well semolina or starch. The principle of cleaning is the same as when using salts - starch sprinkle coat or semolina, mash, comb. The procedure was repeated several times. If the starch is white - so the fur does not need further treatment.

Each fur requires its own individual approach. Mink coat return shine solution medical alcohol and vinegar. Grease stain any fur you can bring the solution of children's soap powder with the addition of gasoline. To the smell of gasoline weathered - your coat will have to spend a few days on the balcony or loggia. Do not forget at the same time on the shoulders. Bright whiteness of the fur will help return the ammonia solution. Karakul clean oatmeal. Fur of a beaver and otter loves hot dry sand. For each fur suit bran cleansing, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Any fur glistens, if for him to walk with a gauze knot with the crushed core of a walnut.

Cleaning coat helps to keep not only its appearance. Landscaped fluffy fur will keep warm. Treat your coat carefully, and it will warm you in any frost.

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