How to clean a white fur

How to clean a white fur

Coat of white fur looks presentable and expensive, emphasizes the swarthy skin and gives the fragility of blondes. This winter warm clothing should be treated with socks and careful maintenance, as white fur has a yellowing property. And the bright spots on the canvas immediately apparent. There are many ways to clean the fur, but not all of them are applicable to white.

The most common and effective way to make the color more white-coats - is the use of hydrogen peroxide solution. Means dilute with water 1: 1, stir and pour into a container with a spray gun. Clothes hang on a hanger, and sprinkle it on all sides. Then leave at room temperature until dry. In no case can not be left coat near heating systems or wipe the surface with a cloth. After the coat is completely dry, it is necessary to shake a few times, or to walk on the pile rare comb. If there is white fur on the collar, sleeves coats, coats, down jackets, the use of peroxide to be careful, as it can damage the material of the product. To clean, cover areas without fur wrap or use a different method.

Dry cleaning can be carried out in potato starch, semolina. Clothes lay on a flat surface and sprinkle it semolina. Then, cautious movements rub the fur fabric, without making any sudden movements. Everywhere to not scattered grain on the floor or table should lay oil cloth or newspaper. Leave the coat for 5-10 minutes. After this time the shake clothes from cereals, starch or vacuuming at low power.

Next, a rather exotic method of cleaning - using shampoo for animals. Bath lotion dissolve in a small amount of warm water. Pure, preferably white (not molt) moisten the cloth in the solution, and strongly press against the fur wipe cloth. Then take another dry towel and go over the cleaned places. After the coat is dry, comb it with a soft brush.

At a ratio of 1: 3, take rubbing alcohol and ordinary soda, add a little water and stir. The resultant solution moisten a soft brush and comb the pile.

For more severe, stubborn stains recommend using a mixture of petrol "Shoe", and potato starch. This tool is put on the stain, let it dry and comb.

In order for a long time not to resort to different methods for refining of white fur products must be handled carefully and stored properly wear:

  • try to wear a white coat in dry weather, to avoid getting dirt, rain;
  • wear a bag on his arm, rather than on the shoulders and elbows;
  • store, hang the coat is not close to your normal street clothes;
  • public transport is better to stand, rather than sit.

If you are afraid that the considered methods can damage the fur cloth, try to put means for inconspicuous places - lapel collar around the inner lining. Once convinced of the integrity and safety of fur colors, you can safely proceed to the cleaning of all clothes. How to clean fur of any fur you can learn here.

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