How to clean a fur coat mutonovuyu

How to clean a fur coat mutonovuyu

Mutonovy fur has high wearability and durability. Typically, products are not Mouton one year, and decided to wear them in the winter weather. As a result, the surface of the fur appear pollution of various origins. The easiest way to bring mutonovuyu coat in order - it is to give it to the dry cleaners. But it is not always acceptable for various reasons, in addition, it is believed that exposure to chemicals may damage the fur. Mutonovuyu clean coat can also at home, using the available techniques and products.

To clear mutonovuyu coat of dust, hang it on a hanger, an ordinary sheet moisten with water and wring well. Then cover with a top coat, and is easy to knock out a cracker or palm. A simpler way to remove dust from the fur - vacuum product.

Coat spread on a flat surface or hang on a hanger over the bath. The small amount of warm water (about 1.5-2 liter) add some shampoo and whisk until foamy state. The resulting foam, using a brush, clean the fur, taking care not to wet his foundation. foam residues are removed with a damp cloth and dry coat naturally.

To remove more stubborn dirt and grease, diluted with a tablespoon of ammonia per liter of cold water. Moisten a cotton ball in the mixture and wipe all the fur, paying particular attention to the spots. For best effect, you can add a tablespoon of salt in a liquid. After the procedure, wipe the fur with a damp cloth and dry the coat.

Mutonovuyu coat can be cleaned and dry method. For this use of wheat bran, semolina, potato or corn starch. Liberally sprinkle the product and well rubbed into the fur, especially in the areas of pollution and greasy. Leave for some time to dry substance absorbed fat. Good vytrushivaem coat can be gently vacuumed or knock out. For best results, perform the cleaning procedure of the first embodiment.

Very strong, stubborn contamination clean swab dipped in gasoline, which is used for refilling lighters. To resolve peculiar smell, after the procedure rubbed into the portion of the purified starch, subject to a few minutes and shakes it.

Peel mutonovuyu light color coat can be as follows. The product abundantly sprinkle potato starch. Dissolved in a little warm water and detergent, pour the liquid into a spray. Good coat sprayed with soapy water from a distance of half a meter. We give to dry completely and treat the surface with a brush.

For regular cleaning during the season fit modern aerosol formulations in cans purchased in the store. For example, the foam can be used for cleaning velor suede and nubuck. The procedure is done in full accordance with the instructions.

What to do, you should not:

  • Mutonovuyu wash coat in a washing machine.
  • Use for cleaning undiluted acetone or vinegar.
  • Dry wet product can only be a natural way. Absolutely unacceptable to use for this purpose a hairdryer, a battery or the oven.

These simple techniques will help always keep mutonovuyu coat in top condition. Clean regularly and always at the end of the season, store it in a closed cabinet in a special package to avoid the dust settles. By the way, the fur does not like when it come perfumes, hairspray or a remedy for moles. Under these rules mutonovaya coat is warm and look great for a very long time.

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