How to peel a cap

How to peel a cap

Fur hat - a stylish accessory that can warm up in the cold of winter. The cost of this product is quite high, so it is not acquired for one season. Hats with light fur quickly spoiled. To an accessory was always new, it is necessary to know how to clean it.

A method of cleaning caps depends on fur, from which it is made. The biggest challenge is to clean white mink. Over time, it can turn yellow. Remove yellowing can be potato starch. To do this, apply a little flour on the pile and comb it. Watering the product is no need. To remove particles of starch, it is necessary to knock the product beater carpet. It is not necessary to put a lot of effort, so that the product is not deformed. You can get rid of the flour with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming is recommended to be very careful at the lowest rate. It can be dissolved in the water a little bluing. Should get a light blue colored solution. Blue liquid rub white fur.

How to peel a cap

Fur hat you can not:

  • wash;
  • dry the hair dryer.

Fur after shampoo turns white. He can stick together and become greasy to the touch.

How to peel a cap

A significant drawback is the difficulty of cleaning the starch flour removing residues. Therefore it is possible to use as the purifier mixture of sawdust and oatmeal. They need to grind in a blender or coffee grinder. In this way, it is best to clean the dark fur.

How to peel a cap

How to display spots. Greasy dirt is better to remove with a special solution. To make it, you need to mix two teaspoons of salt with a spoon of rubbing alcohol. Dissolve the mixture in half a glass of warm water. Dampen a clean cloth with the solution and rub the grease stains. Old stains can be removed against the direction of the pile height. If the stain is fresh, then rub the fur stands on the direction of the nap.

How to peel a cap

To white cap shone again as new, it must be treated with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. In a proportion of 1 to 50 is mixed hydrogen peroxide and water, in the stock solution is added a drop of ammonia. After cleaning, the product was dried on a balcony. Do not leave the cap in the sun.

How to peel a cap

Fur products dark rarely require cleaning. Often soiled pad accessory. To clean it have otporot tissue from fur. Lining need to wash in warm soapy water and dry. This is followed by a well-ironed fabric and sew it to the fur part.

How to peel a cap

Accessories made of fur are not cheap, so do not experiment better. In case of heavy pollution and loss of gloss is to give the product in dry cleaning. High-quality fur can withstand 5-7 cleansing.

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