How to clean fur

How to clean fur

Fur has many advantages over other materials used for the manufacture of winter clothing. It is excellent retains heat, has the properties of thermoregulation and durability, never out of fashion. At the same time, this material is expensive and capricious in care. Therefore, the best one for the care of fur is a professional cleaning. If you can not hire the services of professionals who bring a bottle in order and can be at home. We'll show you how to brush your fur on their own, without damaging the product.

The market offers special products for fur care. For example, dirt-repellent and antistatic emulsions Nourelpo, Netbrilo, aerosol for cleaning small MagicClean fur contaminants preparations against moths Mitex, moth for fur, fur gloss Pelbril, stain removers SommieresPowder, Reinforser. The preparations are characterized by high efficiency. But it is not recommended to use them in a non-professional terms, since the probability of injury and damage to expensive products. Use special substances only in small areas of contamination, after having experienced on the inner surface of the article and carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. The fur needs to be cleaned if:

  • there were lumps and nodules;
  • in the directed air villi difficult to disperse;
  • lost volume and shine;
  • fur changed color.

An artificial fur proterayut soft sponge dipped in a soap solution. Instead of soap can be used shampoo for furry animals previously whipping foam therefrom. You can not place wet gluing the villi to the product - the hair can simply peel off. Then wipe dry towel to dry naturally at room temperature. Gently comb the comb with blunt ends. Short-haired fur is cleaned and combed against the "growth" of the villi, and fur with long hairs - in direction. This rule also applies to natural kinds of fur.

Fur requires care in cleaning. It in no case can not be washed! There exist methods of cleaning fur:

  1. Mechanical cleaning is intended to remove nodules and give the original fur fluffy shiny appearance. Use a special wire brush to clean the fur. Hang on a hanger product for ease of cleaning procedures. Carefully, slowly, comb the fur. Leave the product to be aired.
  2. To remove dust and dirt to put fur on a damp cloth and knock the product. So all the dust remains in the wet material. Do not forget to dry the fur, hung out on the air.
  3. Effectively and carefully purified natural fur birch sawdust, semolina, rye bran, hot sand and potato starch. The process of fur same purification procedure. Pour evenly over the entire surface of the fur. Then movements like wash linen, Clean the product. Shake and comb with a special brush.
  4. Vernet gloss fur solution of tablespoon vinegar diluted in a glass of water. Soak a cotton cloth and wipe the fur. Remains of the solution, remove with a clean dry cloth.

Grease stains from fur is removed with gasoline or ammonia. To do this, you need to prepare and mix the following composition: half a liter of water, a teaspoon of ammonia and 3 tsp Salt. Wet sponge composition and wipe a smudge. Then clean with a damp sponge and dry the product. Another recipe: to mix the purified gasoline and potato starch to form a mushy mixture. Apply the product to the contaminated area and wait erode gasoline. Then remove the remnants of starch brush, shake the product.

White fur tends to turn yellow with time. To return the product to its former pure white, use the following recipes:

  1. A solution of hydrogen peroxide and water 1: 1 spray from a spray on fur. Leave to dry, then comb the fur.
  2. Wet the brush in a solution of warm water, soda and alcohol 3: 1 and the product comb.
  3. methylene blue diluted in water, treat the skin of a sponge. Do not forget to dry naturally, away from direct sunlight or heaters.

Despite the difficulties in the care of fur coats and fur coats of the year did not lose its relevance in the year. Correct tender care will help keep fur and a long period of stay in the trend.

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