How to clean the down jacket

How to clean the down jacket

In winter frost, the down jacket becomes just a find for its owner. He does not miss the cold air, keeps warm, pushes moisture, and it looks pretty good. However, it is impossible to constantly wear a thing and maintain it in the perfect purity. Over time, you still have to wash the down jacket, and here you will have a question: what is it right to do so as not to harm the product?

If you have chosen the home cleaning down jacket in the washing machine, make sure that the delicate washing mode is installed at a temperature of up to 30 degrees. This will save the original shape and color of the product.

Try not to use Powder down jacket for washing. Prefer liquid tools, ideally with a special note "for washing the fluff products." Be sure to explore the instructions of the cleaning agent before you use it.

Check that the jacket pockets are empty, and zippers and buttons are fastened. Move from the down jacket belt and hood, remove the product inside out and proceed to washing.

  1. If the down jacket is highly polluted (for example, sleeves or pockets), then pre-storm them manually using soap and a soft brush.
  2. Getting Started in a washing machine, download special balls for washing together with the down jacket, thanks to this fluff, it does not roll and the product will be saved in original form.
  3. Ringed down jacket is also necessary on delicate mode. At the same time, the change of water should occur several times so that the fabric does not remain from the detergent.
  4. Press the product is recommended at the lowest revs.

Try not to use shoulder down jacket for drying, otherwise the whole down rolled into its lower part. Spread the product on the horizontal surface and dry it in this form. The fluff from time to time is manually disassembled and move it evenly throughout the down jacket until completely drying.

It should be noted that everyone does not manage to keep the down jacket in its original form after home washing. Often, the products are losing the shape, and the water-repellent coating is washed away from the tissue under the influence of aggressive tools for washing. If you have the opportunity to rent a down jacket in a dry cleaning - do it and trust the washing professionals. Then this wonderful thing will surely serve you faithfully and the truth is not yet one year.

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