How to wash down jacket in a washing machine

How to wash down jacket in a washing machine

The favorite down jacket lost the gloss, a variety of spots appeared on it, the edge on the hood is also desirable to be cleaned. What to do: attribute a product into a dry cleaning or try to wash it in the car? Take advantage of our advice and post it yourself. The benefit is obvious - you will save a significant amount of money, and your down jacket will become like new.

First buy special means for washing down jackets. Sold in stores where there are departments for the sale of detergents and cleaning products. It can also be bought in a sports store, where there are departments selling wetting care products for sportswear and shoes. In the sports shop, buy and four white balls for large tennis - they will need to have a fluff in the down jacket. Rounding in the car along with the down jacket, the balls will break down the fluff.

Sat down from the down jacket fur edge, and if it is very dirty, cut Its separately. Remove all removable details: a variety of decorations and metal blahs. Free the pockets from the trifles and button all the zippers, locks and buttons. Down jacket Remove inside out and laid into a washing machine.

If the car has a special program "Washing down jackets", then install it. If not, then select "Delicate Wash". Wash temperature set no more than 40 degrees. Set the number of speed on the oppression to 600. Program "Additional Rinse". Pour into the container for the powder means for washing down jackets and do not forget to put tennis balls in the drum. Turn on the machine and wait for the washing result.

Today on sale there are special "Balls for washing"which can be put in the car instead of tennis. They will not only break down the fluff inside the down jacket, but also collect the hairs and the outstretched down.

Sometimes cheap down jackets contain not very high-quality fluff, which, when washing, highlights a lot of dirt. Such a fluff will certainly leave divorces on the down jackets, which will manifest after drying. If you erase the down jacket for the first time, then make a test washing without detergent. It is that after the main washing, rinsing and pressing must be launched again, but without detergent. And of course, a couple more times rinse.

Dry the down jacket by hanging it on the shoulders. If you see that the Pooh still got a little bit, then during drying a couple of times ride a down jacket in the "Fat" mode. Again, only 600 turns and balls. That's all - your jacket looks like a new one. Wear it with pleasure!

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