What are the balls for washing

What are the balls for washing

In online stores and in supermarkets, the balls for washing the linen come across. Let's figure out what kind of principle they are and on what principle.

You probably noticed that during washing in the centrifuge, things are spinning pressed in one pile. Perhaps because of this, underwear with severe pollution has to be mashed before washing or launching after an unsuccessful attempt to achieve purity. The idea of \u200b\u200bStara: Throw into a drum machine a couple of balls with "pipples" so that they knocked out the stains from things during rotation and did not allow the laundry "stick" into a single mass. For this purpose, rubber balls for washing are perfectly suitable (they are also called the hedgehog balls), besides, they will not harm the drum of the washing machine. Another of their "plus" - they greatly collect hair remaining on the underwear.

There are also tourmaline balls for washing with a more complex design. Inside a spatial plastic case, solid balls are bottled. That is, the whole miracle ball for washing is like a rattle. Among these small balls there are cores from a magnet to mitigate water, as well as other balls containing granules to disinfect water and achieve the effect of powder and air conditioner for laundry. Thanks to this content, you can reduce the volume of powder and air conditioner used, as well as tools to prevent the formation of a lime-based plaque.

Bulbs with loops contain inside the granules of the active substance for washing. Their main feature is to collect wool or hair from clothes when washing. The result of washing is much better if you use these devices, just do not erase delicate tissue with them, because in this case the formation of rollers. For washing the same woolen things, perhaps it is a useful thing. When rotating the drum, the balls are "combing" wool and prevent the rolling and sticking of the pile.

For a significant mitigation of water when washing, as well as in the dishwasher, you can purchase a magnetic ball aquamag. He is hypoallergenic, reduces the number of powder necessary for washing, while at times improves the quality of washing. Due to the smooth surface, it is superbly suitable for delicate linen.

In general, all these washing balls are quite affordable, and find them and order them on the Internet will not be difficult. Try and appreciate the result of wonderful balls. Judging by the reviews of your predecessors, you should like.

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