How to erase leather jacket

How to erase leather jacket

The skin is a very delicate material, and if the attitude is incorrect to it can be deformed, change color. And in general, the product is capable of looking at all so expensive and qualitatively, as it was on the day of purchase. Therefore, so as not to spoil the thing, to clean the leather jacket should be made very carefully.

The primary rule that must be observed when cleansing the jacket is to use a washing machine for this purpose strictly forbidden! Ideally, it is better to avoid manual washing. But if contamination fails to withdraw any other way, then consider some important points in this procedure.

Washing leather jacket should not pass in hot water. The optimal water temperature is 30 degrees. For cleansing, use detergents designed for wool. The usual washing powder for the skin is contraindicated.

When wetting, the skin loses the necessary fat. For this reason, leather jackets are not recommended to wear in crude and rainy weather. In order to restore the desired level of fatty after washing, add milk or cream into the water for rinsing.

In order to avoid deformation, the product is by no means squeeze it. Let the water dragging the water.

Drying a leather jacket can take several days, but be patient. Do not shift the skin by clips. Hang a jacket on a hanger, allowing water freely to drain, and leave dry at room temperature. Make sure that the heating devices do not work. Otherwise, the skin can be wrinkled or losing the form.

If only the lining fabric is dirty, then when washing, try to reduce water from entering your skin directly.

If it is possible to remove the stains from the surface of the jacket without its interaction with water, then the washing is better to avoid.

  1. Dust and dirt are easily removed by special skin sponges that can be purchased in the store.
  2. Fat stains are easy to eliminate with the help of glycerin soap or manipulation with a napkin and a hairdryer. Fat spot Cover the napkin and a hairdryer to heat a polluted place. All fat is absorbed into paper.
  3. Some stains are eliminated by a solution of ammonic alcohol, water and soap. Sutitate the entire surface of the jacket with the resulting mixture. As a result, the skin will not only be cleared, but also acquires shine.

After drying, the leather jacket will require ironing. It is possible to iron the product exclusively from the wrong side and only configuring the iron to the minimum temperature.

Remember that the skin is an incredibly whimsical material. Therefore, if you value your leather thing and do not want to experiment once again, contact dry cleaning for professional dirt removal.

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