How to clean the plates

How to clean the plates

Clean dishes - decoration of any kitchen. In addition, the purity of the plates can be judged by the women's business and its cleanliness. How to cleanse plates and do not spoil the drawing? Moreover, you need to handle porcelain dishes and saucers with golden painting. Such products can not be washed in the dishwasher, because abrasive substances can damage the drawing, and the plates will acquire an old view.

To clean the porcelain plates pour water in the pelvis and put a silicone rug or ordinary porolon on the bottom. It will save your dishes if you accidentally relieve it during washing. In warm water, add some liquid soap and immerse the products into it. Let the dishes lie in the water of 10-15 minutes. After that, wipe it with a sponge and rinse under a stream of clean water.

How to clean the plates

Do not know how to clean the glass plates? The glassware from glass after drying is often covered with white spots, which appear due to the use of very hard water. To save the glass transparent, after washing products, slip them in water with vinegar. On 1 l of liquid, 1 tablespoon of vinegar is needed. In order for the dishes to have shine, you can solve it in water with blue. To do this, prepare a pale blue solution.

How to clean the plates

Remember, the best plates are cleaned in the dishwasher, but not all products can be loaded into it. Porcelain and slim ceramics plates quickly lose their original look. Golden patterns through several washing cycles will erase. It is impossible to clean such dishes to use powders and food soda, these tools contain abrasive particles that scratch the surface.

How to clean the plates

Porcelain plates are better not to rub. But how to remove pollution? Add to the pelvis with warm water bottle with hydrogen peroxide and immerse dishes in it. Hold the kitchen utensils in a solution of 30 minutes. After that, put the plates in a bowl with cold water, let it lie in it for 1 hour. This method will allow to get rid even from dried food residues and old contaminants without friction.

How to clean the plates

If you have the most ordinary cookware from ceramics, then wash it with a special liquid or economic soap. Inaccessible places, sweete a toothbrush with a soft pile. If the dishes are very dirty, then it is better to boil. To do this, put the plates in a large saucepan and fill them with hot water. Add a few tablespoons of soda calcined and a bit of washing powder. Boil kitchen utensils 30-60 minutes. After that, nothing will have to rub, all dirt will remain in the water. This method of cleaning can be carried out during general cleaning several times a year. This will make rid of old and dried fat droplets.

This method of cleaning cannot be used for porcelain plates and faience. Boil can damage the painting and make dishes fragile. When buying plates, ask what they are made and what maximum temperature can withstand.

How to clean the plates

Porcelain plates are best brushed in citric acid or ordinary cook salt. Pour warm water into the container and dissolve 2 tablespoons of salts or citric acid in it. Hold the porcelain in a solution of 30-60 minutes and thoroughly rinse with cold water.

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