Like citric acid clean the teapot

Like citric acid clean the teapot

Even if for boiling you use very clean, well-filtered water, with time, inside the kettle, it is formed. Lemon acid will help to get rid of it. This food product will perfectly cope with the touch and will not harm health.

To clean the cleaning of a large bag (50 g) of the most common citric acid in the store. At home, take the kettle, which we will clean, and lay out the contents of the bag in it. The top temperature of the room temperature, well-breaking the contents with a spoon, so that the lemon can dissolve a little, and leave for about 2-3 hours. If the layer is small, then you do not need to boil the water in the kettle. Lemonic acid will very soon begin to interact with sediments and rebuild them.

After the laid time, the water merge and rinse the kettle inside. Then pour a new portion, put the kettle on fire and boil it approximately 5-10 minutes. We drag the water again and once again rinse. Now the kettle inside became like new, and it can be used for its intended purpose.

If the scale inside is quite a lot, then we turn to the second method of purification. To do this, we fall asleep citric acid (20-25 g), pour water and add approximately 100 ml of the usual 9% table vinegar. Now boil this mixture on a small fire is about 10-15 minutes. We drag the water, pour a new one and boil 10 minutes again. We do this manipulation for another time.

If necessary, hot water with lemon and vinegar leave in the kettle for the night. In the morning, we drag the water, well my kettle inside with the help of a rigid sponge and rinse the same way as in the previous method.

In particularly sad cases, if the layer of scale is very large or cleansing the kettle for a long time, we use the following method. We gain a complete kettle of water, add a tablespoon of soda and boil liquid on medium heat is not less than half an hour. After that, we drag it, pour a new portion of necessarily cold water and add a tablespoon with a slide of citric acid, boiling for about 25-30.

We drag boiling water, pour water again and add half a glass of ordinary vinegar. Boil once again for half an hour. Now how my teapot should inside, without forgetting to pre-merge boiling water and rinse the dishes with cold water. Even if in this case, the scale did not remove themselves alone, we remove it with the help of a metal mesh. After the triple procedure for cleaning the sediment, it has acquired looseness and easily removes. In conclusion, my kettle carefully, as indicated in the previous methods.

Usually, we use a rather concentrated solution of citric acid to remove scale. In almost hopeless cases, you can even take acetic essence. But in this situation, water in the kettle does not boil, but simply leave for a while that the acid solution enters into natural interaction with the sediment.

If you decide to clean the electric kettle of citric acid, then you should remember one nuance. The concentrated lemon solution can harm its inner surface. Therefore, instead of a 25-50 gram, we take only 10-15, and then we do the same as in the methods offered above.

In order for tea to always be delicious and fragrant, you should not wait until it appears that there will be a scale and spoil all the tea drinking an unpleasant flavor. Therefore, brushing the kettle with citric acid should be regularly.

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