How to clean shower

How to clean shower

Shower cubicle regularly in contact with water, suppresses moisture and slowly becomes flaccid, surly and unkempt. strict water leaves glasses streams salt deposits on the shower system forms scum originates at the corners and mold fungus, and the pallet becomes gray-yellow shade. Timely prevention will save your cab from the inevitable aging.

Install the hood or permanently ventilate the bathroom and the very stall. Dampness - is the main enemy of the people and uninspired items first get sick, the latter are deteriorating. Set a rule: after each operation and wash the sides of the pallet warm water, then cold. Once a week to do the prevention of lime raidThoroughly washing out the sponge with a mild detergent component of the total system.

If it turned out that you have not done for a long time with proper care of the cabin and salt deposits were formed on glasses, A mixer and a watering can, tray i bought rust stains, you need to resort to radical methods. Without strong chemicals can not do, so I write in the shopping list: rubber gloves, gauze bandage, brushes.

Buy at the store efficient cleaning means in the form of gel, spray, paste or liquid - alkaline drugs should be avoided. It is also abstain from metal scrapers, abrasives and acids in order to avoid damage to the protective layer. Consider the characteristics of each material.

Apply the cleaner to said surface, leave for 5 10 minutes and rinse with running water or wipe cloth, if the instruction provided. If detergent compositions did not meet expectations, use solution of vinegar or citric acid. This method is relevant for gloss glass, glaze and glossy surfaces.

For acrylic and metal is very convenient to use toothpaste that gives an excellent result. Layer need tooth mixture evenly by onddonu, leave for 5 8 minutes, rub with a sponge and wash off. For the previous gloss of chrome coating, special silver frames can be applied, which are massively sold in household chemicals. This composition will not only update the appearance, but also create an additional protective coating.

In your storage room, along with the reserves of powder and soap, the special must be kept facilities for the care of the chrome surface, from the limestone raid and rust, as well as polyroli. If you disciplined you to care for the cabin, then such extremes like rust and mold can be avoided.

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