How to clean the iron at home

How to clean the iron at home

Every housewife after a certain time of operation of the iron encounters a problem cleaning it from scale internal or formed on the surface of its sole. Make it at home it is quite possible, the main thing - so as to extend the technique of "life" and not to damage it.

If you steam irons fill only distilled water in it, as usual rigid and purified water scale forms inside the appliance. In the formation of a rusty plaque appearing on the fabric when ironing, get rid of it by means of descaling. Prepare a solution according to the instructions and fill it in a container for liquid iron. Heat the appliance and leave the liquid inside it for half an hour. After that, wash the scum of the lagged behind iron.

Also to cope with the inner scum help citric acid: Dissolve 2 teaspoons lemon powder in 200 ml water and pour the liquid into the reservoir on the iron. After some time, heat the device to a maximum temperature and clean it releases steam.

Be sure to follow the recommended temperature producers. For each type of tissue there is a certain degree of ironing - silk and synthetics should be ironed slightly heated iron and woolen garments are processed through a wet gauze.

To cleanse the soleplate from appearing due to hard water stains scale in very few proposals stores, which could deal with this problem. The simplest solution is the formation of scale warning: for that after each ironing wipe the soleplate with a damp soft cloth.

When the scaling, plaque and a deposit on the soleplate, use a special pencil. Apply the product to the surface preheated to a temperature of said instructions, soles and wipe clean with a soft sponge or cloth.

On the paper or paper roll in a mixture of salt and paraffin chips. Preheat the iron and brush it on the prepared mixture. All the dirt from the surface of the sole should move off. After iron wipe with a damp cloth and then - dry. This method can clean, and iron with a teflon coating.

Gruel cooked from a mixture of equal parts of soda and dishwashing detergent, it is possible to remove carbon deposits from the surface of the iron from any coating. Apply the prepared mixture to contamination (iron not included). After a time-intensive movements, wipe the surface with a sponge, wash it and dry it.

Vinegar will also help to cope with a touch of yellow scum that forms on the surface of the device due to hard water. Smoothes a cloth soaked in this liquid, while the soleplate will not be perfectly clean.

Strong contamination in any case, do not clean with the help of hard and abrasive materials, knife, hard sponges or sandpaper, you can easily damage the soleplate so that it becomes unusable. Only a spatula made of wood can be used to remove burnt synthetics.

Hydrogen peroxide is able to cope well with the dirt on the soleplate, while it can be done quickly and without the appearance of any foreign odors. Twist cotton swab and apply the solution to it. Treat the surface and wipe to clean.

Observing all recommendations, carrying out all preventive measures, you are a long time will not be able to think about cleaning your iron, and if necessary, correct cleaning the inside and outside surfaces of the appliance - extend its service.

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