In any kettle, ordinary or electric, sooner or later, scale appears. A grayish-brownish plaque is nothing but the deposition of salts that are present in the water. You can get rid of scale in various ways - choose yourself to taste.
In stores selling household electrical appliances, various means for removing scale are sold. You need to use them, strictly following the attached instructions. Copper from the kettle can be removed using folk methods. Whatever salt is present in water, they all dissolve with an acidic medium. So it is necessary to remove the scale using a variety of acid-containing preparations. Boil the water in the kettle and after it is turned off right away, poured 2 tablespoons of dry citric acid. Give water to cool down, and if the scale has not allocated all - repeat the procedure.- First you need to boil the water with two tablespoons of soda per liter of water. Give to stand in a computing tea one hour.
- Drain of water with soda, fill the kettle with clean water and add acetic essence (3 tablespoons per 1 liter). Boil and leave the kettle until the waters are completely cooling.
- Next, the softened scale can be removed using a wooden flat stick.
No matter how much you get rid of the scale, the kettle after that you need to boil several times with clean water. In order for in the future, it was not so much caught on the walls of the kettle, pour into it the water passed through a household water filter.