How to remove Zelenkaya

How to remove Zelenkaya

Zelenka is the most popular and effective means to protect RAS from infection. This tool is available in each first aid kit, and without it can not do. With all the benefits of a solution of a diamond green alcohol, it is impossible not to say about the huge disadvantage - this is a phenomenal ability to dump everything and hands first. This article will talk about how to get rid of the seals of the greenfon, if you spilled it on clothes, objects or gender.

Body cleansing

The most effective way that will allow removing the traces of the greencraft with the skin of hands, face and body, hair, furniture and floor are alcohol-containing solutions. You can take ordinary vodka or medical salicylic alcohol. Adding lemon juice into alcohol, you will achieve the maximum result. Just apply a mixture on your cotton swab and wipe the contaminated surface. The sensitive skin of the face or child skin cannot be cleaned from the greenstone alcohol, as you can leave traces of irritation or burns. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide for its purposes. It is certainly not so effective as alcohol, but safe for tender leather. If necessary, the stain can be wiped several times.

Purification of linoleuma

The stain from the greenstone on the linoleum can be removed white. This method is absolutely effective if the solution is a diamond green alcohol did not have time to dry and deep into the coating. Sometimes freshly disabled green with linoleum in a matter of minutes you can remove the usual dishwashing agent. Dried green launder with synthetic surfaces is very difficult. It is best to use kerosene or gasoline for this. It is necessary to impregnate the means some unnecessary rag and put on a stain. Five minutes later, wash the spot with a detergent.

Fabric surfaces

If you shed the green on upholstered furniture or clothes, urgently grab the alcohol and wet the tampon, then apply it to the evaporated place and trite. After the tampon does the part of the diamond solution, take clean and repeat the procedure. Perhaps you have to rub very long. There is another way to clean the fabric from the greenstone, but it is very aggressive. Pour soda on the spot and top pour vinegar. The resulting chemical reaction to the formation of foam will allow dissolvent and remove the green. A significant disadvantage of this method - the fabric can drop and straighten. If a small stain from the green appeared on the tissue, it will be enough washing with a potent powder or a means removing fat.

Biling with hair

Often, the greenstock falls on the hairproof. The wool and hair structure is porous, and the greenflower penetrates very deeply and remains there for a long time. You can quickly wash green from hair and wool using hydrogen peroxide. Buy this tool in the pharmacy in the pharmacy and gently apply it to a polluted area. You can use a cotton tampon or a piece of cotton fabric. When washing the peroxide with strand hair, make such movements as when washing with your hands. At the end, wash your head with shampoo for deep hair cleansing.

When trying to clean the diamond green solution from various surfaces, be patient. Be careful and attentive when using strong chemicals. And it is best to carefully open the green and not to get dirty.

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