How to remove divorces

How to remove divorces

Divorces on glass, underwear, furniture, tile and floor. It seems to fight it useless! But no, in this article you will find secrets with which it is easy and easy to say goodbye to divorces forever.

Divorces from sweat on clothes will be less noticeable or disappeared at all, if it is filled with soda to pollution before washing, moistened with water to the formation of a casher, to lose a little and leave for 1 hour. According to reviews, the stain remover "Eared Nyan" also helps in this misfortune.


Divorces on the down jacket appear due to the fact that when washing the fluff is knocked into the lumps and, when drying, it does unevenly breathes. To avoid this, erase down jackets with balls for washingDry them, spreading on a terry towel in a horizontal position and periodically whipping. Soap divorces will disappear only if the down jacket is well ringed and dry out properly.


Divorces after washing on the glasses will not remain if wet glasses wipe with a crumpled newspaper.

Divorces from special napkins on the monitor can be removed with paper napkins or toilet paper.


Divorces on the sofa or armchair appear due to the fact that the upholstery of upholstered furniture accumulates with time dust, trying to bring the spot, you wake it up, and when drying is unpleasant. Therefore, before cleaning the mattress or upholstered furniture, thoroughly spend it using a small nozzle without a pile, and even better - choose, cover the pre-wet sheet. Try to breed the ammonia alcohol in the water and apply to spots using a sprayer. Carefully spend the brush for suede, and then pass the rubber side of the brush. The process is long and painstaking, but effective. The spots will help to remove hydrogen peroxide 3%. Pour the spot abundantly, leave to sleep for an hour, then lean the hairdryer.


So after washing the floor on a laminate or linoleum, there were no divorces, first eliminate or spend all the dirt and dust. Sponge or rag in mo in a foaming solution, treat them the entire floor. Now thoroughly rinse the rag or sponge, hover and wipe the entire surface to assemble the remains of the soap. As often as possible, change the water to rinse, then there will be no divorces.


Divorces on the tile are easy to remove, if it is properly cleaned and dried. Tile in the bathroom and in the kitchen can be washed in one of the following ways:

  1. in the water heavily unbalanced a dishwashing agent and collecting a sponge foam, apply it on the wall;
  2. wet sponge to dip in citric acid or soda powder and process it with a tile or ceramics;
  3. a vinegar or solution of chlorine lime from the pulverizer is evenly spraying the surface (if there is a mold, this option is preferable).

Leave the cleaning agent on the tile for 5 minutes, after which you wash it out. If you are confident that there are no chemistry on the surface, proceed to dry: a terry, cotton towel or microfiber rotational movements wipe the clean wall to the shine.


Divorces from salt on leather shoes in no case should not be ignored. Contaminated shoes from all sides, ride warm water. Dry the entire surface with a soft cloth. Inspect the shoes: if there are light divorces, handle them with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1) until the spots are completely disappeared, then dry. An hour after cleaning, apply protective cream or wax on the product.


Take on the note these tips so that your households enjoy clean and order.

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