Wash windows without divorce easier than you think. Perfect, transparent glass can be obtained even without the help of special alcohol-containing means. How to do it, we will tell in the article.
First you need to quickly wash off all the dirt from the glass. We warm the water, pour into the basin and add powder or washing for dishes. And it is possible to use the economic soap at all, the main thing is the result. Armed with a sponge or cloth and not forgetting to put on shopping gloves, go with soap solutions to the window. We begin to carefully clean the glass from the street, until dirty drips disappear. The outer side is clean, proceed to the inner, without forgetting to change the water. You may have to run several times and change the soap solution several times, it all depends on the degree of contamination of windows. In addition to glass you need to thoroughly flush the frame and handles from the inside.
The window is clean, now proceed to the destruction of divorces. Estimation of the centuries Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers rubbed all the glass, including crystal, newspaper. Comkate the old number and thoroughly rub the freshly made window. It is desirable that the glass is slightly wet. When the newspaper is worst, take a new one. Brilliant result is guaranteed.
Now the life of housewives simplifies a waffle towel or microfiber. In order for the divorces at all, it remains, on the wafer towels, splash for glasses for glasses, for example, "Mr. Muscul" or "Mr. Propher". Thoroughly wipe the windows and look at the glass at different angles, whether the divorces remained there. Microfiber does not require the use of additional funds. Just start by fast, light movements wipe a slightly wet glass. As a result, you will get a crystal clear window. Another plus towels from the microfiber is that it is subject to repeated washing, while the quality does not deteriorate. And this Towelucco is perfectly rubbing the glass in cars and mirrors.
The budget options for washing windows include a solution of vinegar and water in the proportion of 1: 2. Rinse windows with acetic water, and then clean. Wipe with a dry cloth and forget about divorces. This is also suitable tricky washing with raw potatoes. Cut the root plant in half and wipe the glass, then wash the starch with clean water. Method effective, but long. Significantly simplify glass washing special rubber scrapers that are sold in household goods. After their application, the divorces do not remain. The product can be replaced with the old janitor from the car.
Now let's talk about cleaning products. Assortment among such substances is huge, choose the less "promoted" company not to overpay the extra money. Do not worry about the cleanliness of the windows, because all detergents for glass contain ethyl alcohol or vinegar, and in the additives there is a considerable amount of harmful chemistry. In addition, with a strong pollution, the window will have to wash with soap, and then use chemistry for rubbing. However, it is indispensable for the remedy will be for harvesting Gary, fatty raids and bird excrement.
And finally: wash the windows when there is no direct sun, it's easier to consider divorces. Choose a way according to your preference and proceed to cleaning. Successes!
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