How to wash blinds

How to wash blinds

Most modern apartments for the full program are equipped with such comfortable and practical light-protective devices like blinds. However, office curtains are also called them - they are ideal dust collectors and require regular cleaning, and their washing entirely and completely depends on the material from which the lamellas (parallel plates) are manufactured.

It is especially carefully taken to the "wash" of wooden blinds - more often wipe them with a dry cloth or vacuuming with a soft nozzle, but no wet rags. In case of severe pollution, use the composition designed for wooden products to not damage the structure of the plates.

Caring for plastic lamellas does not require special care when washing. Fuely to a spindle with a soap solution or a special means for washing. Close the design and first shut off the dust from it, and then apply the detergent substance, sweeten the contaminated areas with a sponge or a special brush, then rinse the wet rag.

Launched plastic shutters Wash directly in the bathroom. Remove the design from fastening and soak it in folded form for some time in the cleaning agent. Watch the brush, not pressing on the rail, and then rinse well the shower and dry.

Light contamination on vertical tissue blinds Remove with a wet cloth. If the stripes changed their natural color on the gray shade, then post them in the bath. Remove the plates and wash each piece of detergent. Or post the fabric stripes in the "careful wash" mode using a washing machine - roll over the lamella of 10 pieces into a roll, which put in the pillowcase if there is no washbag.

Multifactore blinds erase with special care, because they can consist of delicate materials, and not just from the components that are not afraid of wet cleaning. Better to trust such a washing professionals.

The timely dry cleaning of the blinds should stand in the first place so as not to resort to washing with detergents, because even the most unpretentious structures can be deformed with frequent washing.

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