Dishwashing detergent with their own hands - how to make

Dishwashing detergent with their own hands - how to make

The hostesses that adhere to the rules of healthy life, probably wash the dishes with mustard powder or soda. These are very good, but we offer you to improve them a little. You will receive not only real detergents for the dishes, but they will also also take care of your handles. Indeed, as part of homemade gels and pastes there will be only natural ingredients.

Pasta based on children's soap. 100 grams of soap Suitoriate into a large bowl on a shallow grater, pour with hot water chips (100 ml). Beat the kitchen wedge to a thick tight mass. During the beating, add a couple of tablespoons of food soda. At the very end, when the mass becomes smooth and elastic, drop in 5 drops of any essential oil and mix again.

Coffee pasta. 100 grams of any white soap without flavors soda on a large grater. Fill with hot water in an amount of 250 ml. Add 15 ml here. "Boers in Glycerin" And the floor of a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for several hours - until the soap is completely dissolved. In the soap base, put 100 grams of soda, 50 grams of mustard powder and 50 grams of ground coffee. Mix thoroughly, better - submersible blender.

Gel with glycerine. 25 grams of white soap grate. Put chips into a small saucepan, and add half a liter of hot water. Place a container with soap and water in a water bath, and stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a thick gel. After it is completely cooled down, add 4 tablespoons of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Whisk whisk and let stand until the foam subsides formed.

Gel with mustard. Take a 25 gram of household soap, it is finely distrust and fill with hot water (500 ml). Put the mixture on fire, constantly interfere, but do not bring to a boil. When the mass becomes a homogeneous consistency, retain and let it cool to room temperature. Then add 2 tablespoons of the mustard powder and 2 ammonia tablespoons, and then mix thoroughly.

Homemade dishwashing means turned out to be fame - well wash all pollution with dishes and do not harm the skin of the hands. Any homemade paste put into a suitable jar with a wide throat and pick it up with a sponge for washing dishes. And the gel is pursued in an empty bottle with a dispenser that stayed after the store detergent.

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Victoria 01/03/2016 at 14:37

Anyway, in your way it will not be possible to make a high-quality tool, I tried. Of the more or less natural now selling Palmia Bambini gel, our by the way do. As part there is a regular soda and surfactant additives to create a foam. Now my dishes are even without gloves, and the process itself accelerated noticeably. I advise everyone to try, I am sure that you will not regret.

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