About the dangers of washing powder did not say that the lazy. These chemical detergents have a whole arsenal of substances harmful to humans. First of all, it is a surfactant and phosphates that are able to cause an allergic reaction, dermatitis and in general to adversely affect health. Alternative - Home harmless washing powders. Consider several recipes ...
For the first recipe we need economic soap (better than 75%, brown) - 1.5 cups, calcined soda - 1 cup, a borah - 1 cup, food soda - 1 cup. Soap Three on a grater and connect all the components in suitable dishes. We thoroughly mix, if necessary, use a kitchenette, so that the mixture is homogeneous. We spend in comfortable clean capacity - washing powder ready! The tool is quite concentrated, one tablespoon is enough for 4-5 kilograms of washing. You can use both for manual washing and machine.
If you want to get rid of spots of various origin, it is worth trying to make such a powder ... We take a half-table of the calcined soda and a water softener (such as "Calgon"), 1 cup of borants - all thoroughly mix. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid and use as needed.
The next recipe for home washing powder also displays stains and does not cause allergies. For preparation, we will need 2 pieces of economic soap, 1 cup of calcined soda and food, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Soap shred in a small grater and mix with soda, add vinegar and mix everything to homogeneous mass in the kitchen combine. Tool is ready. On average, there will be 2-3 tablespoons of powder on average.
Beautiful washing powder with a pleasant aroma is obtained according to the following recipe: we take 70 grams of coconut soap and the half of the calcined soda and the boos. We place all the components in the combine and crushing. Powder is ready to use.
In addition to powdered washing agents, at home can also be made liquid. The process of its preparation is somewhat more complicated previous, but the result will be worthy. We will need: 60 grams of household soap, half a cup of borants, 1 cup of soda calcined. Soap three in a small grater, put in a saucepan and fill with 1.5 liters of water, put on fire and stir up to dissolve soap. Next, add soda and boor, after which we beat the mixture until it increases it in size. Remove the saucepan from the fire and cool the tool. Now we will need another 1/4 bucket of hot water, in which we add our mixture and mix. Take water to the full bucket and leave to stand for a day. Spill the finished remedy for plastic bottles and stored in a closed form. On average, the age of this means is spent on average.
In all of the above funds, if you wish, you can add several drops of your favorite essential oil to give a thin fragrance with linen. In addition, improvised washing powders are harmless and environmentally friendly, they help substantially save the family budget - all components are a penny, and the result is sometimes superior to the "work" of expensive washing powders.